NullPro Community

i see you have bronze member group and 8$ ,maybe your content was copy paste from other ,when i submit same content ,it isn't get credit and moved by manager
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about an issue I've encountered. Despite having met all the criteria for an upgrade, it appears that my status has not yet been updated accordingly.

Could you kindly assist me in understanding why this might be the case? Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your help and looking forward to your response.
Hello all,
Looks like is getting in busy here with questions, is it possible to do another way to gain credits ?
First of all, it's our honor to have you join us!

We've been trying to work without a 'credit system' for a long time now. Unfortunately, it seems to lead to leeching without sharing with the community. Our hope was that members were 'better than that' – the majority proved us wrong .

Quickly understand the Member Group with a picture:

1. The usergroup will be changed to Bronze member outside the duration.
2. Due to force active participation in forums , paid line was not available most of the time.
3. Automatically upgrade the membership group for free ,Not immediately, sometimes it takes 1 natural day with daily cron .

Quickly understand Credits with a picture:

Everyone expects to find what they want in the forum,so you need to know:
Attachment TypeRequire Member LevelFirst DownloadNext Download
Forum Message and Thread>= Iron MemberDefault No Require Credits (1)Default No Require Credits (1)
Resources With Paid>= RegisteredPay to AuthorFree during License duration
Resources Without Paid>= Registered10 Credits10 Credits

1. Default Resource only requires 10 credits each time,you can download it with credits by sharing content or paying .
2. Paid resources did not require credits. But your account need to have 10 credits for downloading.
3. Author can earn real-world money by selling resources.
Forum thread and message attachment only require member group level higher than Iron Member

How do new users earn credits?

Register member and iron member
1. Share the resources you have. If the resources are downloaded by other users, you can earn 1-8 credits (the default is 6 credits) each time.
2. Verify the resources, prove that the completed resources belong to all you purchased, and earn 1-5 credits each time. Submit image to verify purchase . It can be a PAYPAL payment log or another screenshot.Sometimes we ask for specific, private information can be hidden
3.High-quality plan you can earn 5-15 credits each time (downloads > 10)

Bronze member
1. Share the resources you have. If the resources are downloaded by other users, you can earn 1-8credits (the default is 6 credits) each time.
2. Verify the resources, prove that the completed resources belong to all you purchased, and earn 1-5 credits each time. Submit image to verify purchase . It can be a PAYPAL payment log or another screenshot.Sometimes we ask for specific,Private information can be hidden
3.High-quality plan you can earn 5-15credits each time (downloads > 10)
4. Rated and Rate
5. share your referral link
6. Publish or update resources

More details on the cost of downloading content

Anyway, here's a list of how you earn credits and what we charge credits for:
Event / Member Level​
Iron Member​
Bronze Member​
Silver Member​
Gold Member​
Platinum Member​
post Spam Content​
Getting a warning​
Getting a warning​
Getting a warning​
Getting a warning​
Content Charge Fee​
Paid Resource Fee
(100% Ignored)​
Daily Activity / Every Day​
+ (1-2)​
+ (1-3)​
Post Thread​
Post Message​
Add Resource​
+ 1​
+ 1​
+ 1​
+ 1​
Resource Update​
+ 1​
+ 1​
+ 1​
Resource Downloaded​
+ [1-8]​
+ [1-8]​
+ [1-8]​
+ [1-8]​
+ [1-8]​
+ [1-8]​
Resource Download
(90% Ignored )​
Resource Sale​
Resource Rated​
Resource Rating​
Hight-Quality Content​
+ [5-15]​
+ [5-15]​
+ [5-15]​
+ [5-15]​
+ [5-15]​
+ [5-15]​
Verify Proof​
Referral Registered​
Downloadable Forum Attachment​
Default Free​
Default Free​
Default Free​
Default Free​
+View Forum
+Submit Thread
+Submit Message​
+Submit Content without Approval
+Submit Resources
+Download Attachment​

+Automatic Credit System​
more permission​
more permission​
more permission​
Auto Upgrade Condition​
Complete activation​
>5 messages​
>5 Resources
>50 Reaction​
Paid / Free Upgrade​

1) The conversation will not cost credits. But if someone posts ads to harass you, please click to report!

Short description of credits:
1.Any credit obtained by cheating will not succeed and the account will be banned !
2.That's why a lot of content has been removed! Don't try to post content with the Old version !
3. For new members, Credits is an automatic system When you are a Bronze member.

If you post content to Forum, any registered member can download it, no credit is required, We are Encourage users post content and resource to earn credits and help the community grow

You will also be charged for things like removing likes/ ratings etc. by removing the applied credits + penalty credits (example: you voted in a poll and received 1 credit, later you delete your vote you lose 2 credits). that applies to pretty much any action where you can reverse your action! with other words, think about your actions before you apply them!

The idea behind the credits is not to create a way of revenue for us, just hope the forum was always online! Basically the idea is to force active participation in the forums and reduce the leeching seen by many members after having 5 resources accomplished. call it (i know its old) 'sharing is caring'. nullpro is not a 'we provide and you get what you need' platform!

the way to 'circumvent' the credits for downloads will be to become a (which will cost you money!) way to submit content in resources, just a reminder that anything you submit as a resource must have been purchased by yourself and proof of this must be shown to moderating on request. some adjustment was made to the VIP level downloads per day as well. restricting your daily maximum downloads a little more than they used to be. however, we added some extra benefits at each level to increase the VIP value. they will mainly be useful for members that plan to become an active part of the forum.

Why is it so hard to get credits?
When the content you post is not:
1.Old Version
2.Copy and paste from other websites.
3. Include Virus Trojan, or backdoor,backlink,spam etc.
4.The version number described is inconsistent with the actual content.
Then you will find it is very easy to get credits! You can't treat anyone like a fool.Any credit obtained by cheating will not succeed!

If you just want to content with what you need, you have options to pay and ignore free options offered or simply look somewhere else for the files you need :).

How does a community foundation make money?
Community foundations offer many types of programs, including Ads ( now 0), User purchase credits,User donation,Hand fee when users buy other people's Resource.
All the above income is counted as the foundation.Foundations will be used to pay for more new resource. It's not just talk, we've been doing.
fund log record in here :
To maintain account security, currently only managers are visible.

Break-even is a Basic Work of Sustained Development of Our Community!

Where is this community different from others ?

1.All income from the forum belongs to the community foundation. Including Ads ,User purchase credits ,User donation,Hand fee when users buy other people's Resource etc,Other community is make money for the management with the above method.
2.The community foundation will purchase a large number of paid resources and share them.
3.There is no mandatory membership system,Users can share their useful content, get credits and download the content they want at any time,Of course, you can't copy other people's content.
4.Currently, there are 7 managers in the community
5.Financial data that does not contain any sensitive information will be displayed in the public area

and some details can't to submit ,please read rules :
Advanced Editor Using Tutorial
Hot issues you need to know about the community!
This is a tip on how to make money by publishing resources?
It's nice!
It's a very good method, but I wish new members had access to at least three resources.