WP Adminify Pro

WP Adminify Pro

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Fixed: schedule post broken issue fixed
Fixed: Style and Script tag missing on Custom Header & Footer script issue fixed
Fixed: Dashboard left menu hover color issue fixed in dark mode
Fixed: Dashboard dismiss notice icon padding issue fixed
Fixed: Network site broken html and style issue fixed with free version
Fixed: Adminar search menu icon position issue related to dark mode is fixed
Fixed: Adminar Menu freezing issue fixed that's created by profile settings.
Fixed: Dashboard body font selection not working issue fixed
Fixed: Rounded vertical menu color & bg color issue fixed
Fixed: Dark mode color picker issue fixed
Fixed: Adminify logo alignment issue fixed
Fixed: Adminbar & Menu Settings default options value saving to DB issue is fixed.
Fixed: welcome header link color issue fixed for v6.1.
Fixed: Dashboard menu hover color issue fixed in Dark mode.
Fixed: Woocommerce menu hide after scroll issue fixed
Fixed: Adminbar items alignment issue fixed
New: Sticky option added to AdminBar settings.
Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS "shell_exec" warning issued fixed
Fixed: Login Customizer Custom CSS and JS saving issue fixed
Fixed: Menu editor custom icon upload issue fixed and phpcbf ran
Update: fixed php 8.1 compatibility issue
Fixed: fixed Block Editor Background color palete button transparent issue
Fixed: admin footer text displaying issue fixed
Fixed: php warning fixed from dismis_notic
Fixed: removed tags from code editor and upgrade feature added
Fixed: upgrade functionality added for LoginCustomizer
Fixed: updraftplus modal input field style conflict issue fixed
Fixed: folder responsive issue fixed
Fixed: Typo fixed of a settings under Schedule Dark Mode
Fixed: User role based admin page display issue fixed
Fixed: Welcome Widget by Elementor broken issue fixed
Updated: Freemius SDK updated
* Fixed: Admin Area Custom CSS and JS error issue fixed
* Fixed: Converter for Media plugin (REST API disable) issue fixed: https://wordpress.org/support/topic...-converter-for-media-plugin-rest-api-disable/
Download WP Adminify v3.0.0.1 - Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Nulled Free
= v3.0.0.1 (23-07-2022)=

* Update: Updates Post Link updated
Download WP Adminify v2.0.9.1 - Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard Nulled Free
= v2.0.9.1 (08-06-2022)=

* Fixed: If Quick Menu Module disabled Admin Bar not loading issue fixed
= 2.0.8 (01-05-2022)=
* Updated: Admin Bar updated
* Updated: Tweaks updated - Avatar Defaults return value error issue fixed
* Support: Quill Forms support given
* Fixed: Rounded Menu style issue fixed on Dark Mode
* Updated: Welcome Widget text color issue fixed

nulled by @phpcore
= 2.0.8 (01-05-2022)=
* Updated: Admin Bar updated
* Updated: Tweaks updated - Avatar Defaults return value error issue fixed
* Support: Quill Forms support given
* Fixed: Rounded Menu style issue fixed on Dark Mode
* Updated: Welcome Widget text color issue fixed

nulled by @phpcore
= 5.7 =
Release Date: March 22nd, 2022

* [Added] New hook `acp/editing/view` in favor of the old deprecated 'acp/editing/view_settings' hook
* [Added] New hook `acp/export/file_name` to alter the exported filename
* [Fixed] Adding non-existing terms with editing did not work properly
* [Fixed] Clicking the mobile caret to open the row now works in combination with Inline Editing enabled
* [Fixed] Pagination for taxonomy entities now load more than just one extra page in the smart drop-downs.
* [Fixed] Removed the Ninja Forms integration from the add-on page
* [Fixed] The placeholders for the full name editable were incorrect
* [Fixed] Unexpected focus scroll behavior in Inline Editing
* [Improved] Check if a post is locked in order to be able to edit the post
* [Improved] It is now possible to search for specific icons for the label icon picker
* [Improved] Javascript is now compiled with the target set to ES6
* [Improved] Made the Polylang Language column available for all related List screens
* [Improved] Smarter Link editing for the Custom Field URL type
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.5 )
* [Added] New Image column for the Media list table
* [Added] The Slug column is now also available for the Media list table
* [Improved] More thorough logic for the 'Restore Settings' option.
* [Improved] Refactor of the Setup Script that runs when the plugin is installed and activated for the first time
* [Improved] The Permalink column now also shows the (upcoming) permalinks for future and draft posts
* Updated: Login Customizer - missing Templates styles for Lost Password and Register page issue fixed. Thanks a lot @Rogar for informing about the issue
* Fixed: Folder Modules not working issue fixed
* Updated: Folders - Font size issue on "Create New Folder" fixed
* Fixed: Quick Menu not showing issue fixed
* Fixed: Admin Pages Admin Bar issue
* Fixed: Admin Pages footer quick menu issue
* Fixed: Admin Pages Notice Issue
* Fixed: Admin Pages Hieght Issue
* Fixed: Every String can be translatable now, generated latest .pot file
* Updated: WP Adminify Options Icons alignment issue fixed
* Updated: Menu Editor Content overlap and Save Button Alignment issue fixed
* Updated: Better visibility on Dark Mode Texts
* Fixed: Admin Pages - Submenu page access denied issue fixed
* Fixed: Admin Pages - Submenu under WooCommerce Analytics not working issue fixed.
* Updated: Dismiss Admin Notices conflict issue with WooCommerce fixed
* Updated: Admin Columns empty page issue fixed
* Added: New Plugin supports on request of @Philip Levine - Simple Calendar and Smash Balloon Instagram Feed supports given
* Updated: Post Box Category UI improvements. Previously there was no border, given bordered with better UX.
* Update: Security fix for Freemius SDK