WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin

WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin 5.5.1

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Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.3, not uploading the zip on new sites.
Added: Minimum Marketplace Lite required version 1.0.0
Added: Caching on multiple database queries to optimize the code and speed up loading.
Added: Accept terms and conditions checkbox on the 'Seller registration' and 'Become a Seller' pages.
Added: Sold By Seller name on 'Add to Cart' button hover on catalog pages.
Fixed: Notices due to conflicts with the Multi-currency plugin.
Fixed: Issue in adding and deleting shipping zone.
Fixed: Mails are sent only to the first seller in case of multiple sellers in an order.
Fixed: Issues in deleting shop followers and favorite sellers.
Fixed: Total amount calculation in seller's mail.
Added: Feature for adding Google Map API key for showing top billing countries on seller dashboard properly.
Added: Settings and documents link in plugin meta row.
Added: TineMCE editor on shop about section on seller dashboard.
Added: Seller mapping on creating an order from admin end to list the order on seller dashboard.
Added: Simplified UI on changing product status on seller dashboard.
Added: Appropriate price validation message on seller product edit as in WooCommerce.
Added: Default shop name as seller name and shop slug as seller's username.
Added: Setting for Admin Dashboard endpoint text on seller end.
Fixed: Calculations on total sales and remaining amount on seller dashboard.
Fixed: Commission calculation in case of admin order and advanced commission.
Fixed: Notice on refund and invalid refund amount issue on seller dashboard.
Fixed: Issue with maximum amount restriction upto 999 in miscellaneous settings on seller dashboard.
Fixed: Variation name are not showing on seller order views page.
Fixed: Notice showing to seller on adding and editing products when no product type is allowed from admin.
Download WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin v5.2.2 Nulled Free
Added: Feature to allow paragraph in about shop page.
Added: Feature to add zero-price product from seller's dashboard.
Added: Deleted seller's reviews in admin to allow its cleaning if needed.
Added: Security validation on editing/deleting shipping zone.
Added: Support for web images on seller profile update.
Fixed: Rollback SEO-friendly URL with setting to remove shop name and shop URL from the seller registration page.
Fixed: Seller id not decoding to seller shop's URL in emails.
Fixed: Shipping calculation issue in case of virtual product is in the cart for a seller.
Fixed: Shipping calculation issue in case of a seller has not added any shipping.
Fixed: Zero amount shipping not showing shipping method on checkout.
Fixed: The order number was not showing on the view order page for the seller dashboard.
Fixed: Pagination not working properly on seller's store collection page.
Fixed: Product filter in admin product listing page under the marketplace.
Fixed: Shipping was showing multiple times on the seller order view page in case of multiple sellers' products in the order.
Fixed: Top billing countries are not plotting on the map on the seller's dashboard.
Fixed: Discount was not showing on the seller's invoice.
Fixed: Invoice link in admin order listing page.
Fixed: Product link on notification section on seller dashboard.