WordPress Automatic Plugin

WordPress Automatic Plugin 3.94.0 Nulled

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NEW: OpenAI advanced option to set temperature,top_p & other options for the prompt
NEW: Feeds/Multi-scraper extract original author can now auto detect author name
NEW: Generate SEO meta description from content using OpenAI GPT-3 tutorial added
Fix: Multi-scraper now set the post as pending if posting specific links & auto-detect failed
Fix: Youtube channel ID extraction now work for servers located in Europe
NEW: OpenAI API requests now use the new ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo which is 1/10th the price
NEW: Feeds/Multi-scraper Strip images from the content option
NEW: Web Stories support, now you can import web stories & tutorial added
New: Feeds/Multi-scraper Visual selector/XPath now can return URL of a link
New: Feeds/Multi-scraper copy rule number button added and UI improved
NEW: OpenAI UI improved + new fixes to handle errors
Fix: Amazon simulate location feature now works better
  • NEW: PixaBay new option to add post search keyword as featured image alt text
  • Fix: Google news now back to work after recent changes from Google
NEW: Apify new option to wait for specific milliseconds before returning the result
NEW: Support for setting WooCommerce product attributes on add custom fields option
NEW: option to import the post even if it was imported from another campaign
Fix: Google news now back to work after recent changes from Google
NEW: [gpt3]Prompt[/gpt3] shortcode now can be used on custom fields section
NEW: PixaBay new option to add search keyword as featured image alt text
NEW: Option for custom post slug/permalink
NEW: new tag [now] to get current server timestamp
Fix: Translate now protect [embed] shortcode from translation
Fix: Youtube single quote now saved correctly in the database
Fix: Skip the post if the a specific criteria applies now support empty text
NEW: Import/Export feature for campaigns
NEW: Multi-page scraper/Feeds new option to remove unwanted parts by Visual selector/XPath
NEW: Multi-page scraper original time now support custom REGEX for extraction
NEW: Only import the post if the a specific criteria applies new option to allow if any
NEW: Skip the post if the a specific criteria applies new option to check all
NEW: Feeds/Multi-Scraper new option to search and replace in extracted tags
NEW: OpenAI new option to only post one article per keyword
Fix: eBay now reset the page number if reached last page
Fix: Multi-scraper now bypass cache for created feed files especially on OVH
NEW: OpenAI option to use keywords directly for articles instead of generating titles
NEW: OpenAI option to set the post as pending if prompt failed
Fix: [gpt3] shortcode now works for Amazon campaigns
Fix: Youtube skip posts older than a specific minute now generate a dynamic date for search
Fix: Careerjet module updated to get full description again after changes from CJ side
NEW: OpenAI GPT support to create articles and use with any module with shortcode [gpt3] prompt [/gpt3]
NEW: option to translate the content between square brackets
NEW: Facebook events import now set the post date to the event start date if option enabled
Fix: Amazon custom HTML product extraction algorithm improved