WooCommerce Waitlist

WooCommerce Waitlist 2.4.9

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* Fix: Updated function to calculate count totals to target variable products as well
* Fix: Double Opt in not working for all product types
* Fix: Fatal error on new user register due to refactoring core plugin file
Fix: Deprecated PHP notice for order of function parameters
Fix: Waitlist counts for variations not showing correctly
Added: Compatibility for HPOS
* Fix: Update to translations template file
* Fix: Waitlist mailouts not always sending for variations when setting stock status
* Fix: Updates for security audit
* Fix: Double opt-in email escaping allows '+' symbol
* Added: Optional filter to add extra emails to all waitlist mailouts: 'wcwl_mailout_extra_email_addresses'
* Fix: Invalid product IDs stopping export of waitlist data
* Fix: Product bundles being ignored by global exporter
* Feature: Newly created users now force a page reload after they have been added to the waitlist
* Added: Filter to redirect new users after they have an account created for them (wcwl_redirect_after_account_auto_create)