WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on

WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on 3.4.8

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* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 8.6+.
* Added: License manager improvements.
* Fixed: Woo Product Add-ons compatibility - Do not render the "add-ons HTML wrapper" on the AJAX geolocation request.
* Added: AutomateWoo compatibility - Support for the "cart.items" and "cart.total" email variables.
* Fixed: Smart Coupons compatibility - Error on the edit order page when the HPOS feature is enabled.
* Fixed: PHP Error on plugin updater: Attempt to modify property "no_update" on null.
* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 8.1+.
* Added: Plugin updater class improvements.
* Added: The [wcpbc_content] shortcode allows other shortcodes inside.
* New: [wcpbc_country] shortcode to displays the customer's country.
* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 8.0+.
* Fixed: Product Bundle compatibility - Issue with "Load price in the background" if the bundle includes more than one variation of the same product.
* Fixed: Minor bug on the license settings page.
* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 7.8.
* Added: Compatible with AutomateWoo.
* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 7.6.
* Fixed: Name Your Price compatibility - Price is set to zero if the name your price product has not maximum price.
* Fixed: Product Add-ons compatibility - The validation of the required fields fails when the "Load product price in the background" option is enabled.
* Added: Tested up WooCommerce 7.4.
* Fixed: The "Recalculate" button of manual orders fails when the general decimal separator differs from the pricing zone separator.
  • Added: Compatible with Price Based on Country 3.0!
  • Added: Tested up WooCommerce 7.3.
  • Added: Reduces the converted price by a specific amount.
* Fixed: Variation Bundles compatibility - Incorrect price's HTML.