WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities

WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities 4.2.3

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* New - Added activation notice.
* Tweak - Updated the way of identifying hydration context in Store API requests.
* Fix - Fixed a bug where variation notices could be incorrectly displayed.
* Fix - Fixed an error that prevented correctly retrieving variation rules in some rare cases.
* Fix - Disabled Quantity Rules when the product is Sold Individually.
* New - Added compatibility with the new Product Editor.
* Tweak - Deferred frontend scripts.
* New - Added compatibility with PHP 8.3.
Fix - Resolved an issue that incorrectly hid quantity inputs in the short-code based cart.
* New - Added compatibility with PHP 8.2.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the cart/checkout Blocks.
* Fix - Resolved fatal error that was triggered when saving variations without quantity rules.
* Fix - Resolved a warning that was occasionally triggered when viewing the Cart block.
Fix - Updated 'Exclude From > Order rules' tooltip.
* Update - Hid product/variation quantity selector when the Minimum Quantity = Maximum Quantity = 1.
* Fix - Updated maximum quantity resolution notice to fix a syntax error.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented the quantity selector from showing up for variations without a Maximum Quantity.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error triggered in WordPress versions prior to 6.1.0.