WooCommerce API Manager

WooCommerce API Manager 3.2.4

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* New: Weekly cleanup of expired API Key activations that are associated with expired API Resources, or associated with API Resources that no longer exists.
* New: Weekly cleanup of expired API Resources, and associated API Key activations.
* New: Weekly cleanup of expired secure download URL hashes from the wc_am_secure_hash table.
* New: Added WC_AM_Background_Events class.
* Fix: Inline style block and Text Domain typos in templates/emails/api-keys-order-complete.php.
* Fix: get_theme_overrides() used wrong path to /templates.
* Tweak: Moved background processing events into the WC_AM_Background_Events class.
* Tweak: Code optimizations.
* Update: Added Amazon S3 regions:
- af-south-1
- ap-south-2
- ap-southeast-3
- ap-southeast-4
- eu-central-2
- eu-south-1
- eu-south-2
- me-central-1
- me-south-1
* Update: Refactored templates/emails/api-keys-order-complete.php to place data in a table, and to add more details.
* Update: Refactored templates/emails/plain/api-keys-order-complete.php to add more details.
* Dev: Added woocommerce-api-manager/includes/wcam-time-functions.php - Functions must be called using the plugins_loaded action hook.
* Dev: New action hooks added:
- wc_am_before_order_partially_refunded
- wc_am_after_order_partially_refunded
- wc_am_before_order_fully_refunded
- wc_am_after_order_fully_refunded
- wc_am_before_refund_deleted
- wc_am_after_refund_deleted
- wc_am_before_remove_order
- wc_am_after_remove_order
- wc_am_before_delete_order
- wc_am_after_delete_order
- wc_am_before_delete_order_item
- wc_am_after_delete_order_item
- wc_am_before_delete_sub_order_item
- wc_am_after_delete_sub_order_item
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Automattic\\WooCommerce\\Utilities\\wc_get_container().
* Tweak: On Order edit update of Access Expires and/or Activations, process API cache refresh in task queue rather than immediately.
* Tweak: Don't delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold then back to active status when payment is processed.
* Tweak: When WooCommerce Subscription changes status delete related Authenticated API cache.

* Tweak: Delete the Authenticated API cache for more events to cover edge cases where results may be stale when fresh results are needed.
* Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
* Notice: Declare incompatibility with WooCommerce HPOS until support is verified.
* Tweak: Detect WooCommerce Subscriptions included in WooCommerce core.
* Dev: Added wc_am_new_or_updated_order action hook that returns the order_id of a new or updated order containing API products.
* Dev: Can use WC_AM_API_RESOURCE_DATA_STORE()->get_all_api_resources_for_order_id( $order_id ) to get an array of all API Resource data created from the order line items. Use the plugins_loaded action hook to access the method.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.4.6 Nulled Free
2022.09.14 - v2.4.6
* Feature: Added a product_list API endpoint which returns a unique list of product data such as Titles and Product IDs with no authentication required.
* Fix: get_human_time_diff() method returned slightly incorrect time for date.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field displays only a date now rather than friendly messages such as "4 days", as friendly messages broke updates using a value that was not recognized as valid.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires help tip was displayed for WooCommerce Subscription when it should be hidden.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field was updated when the Update button was clicked without changing the value manually. No update should have occurred.
* Tweak: Prevent Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field from being set to value less than current value.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.4.5 Nulled Free
2022.09.12 - v2.4.5
* Fix: When the Product edit > API > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for all API Resources containing the Product.
* Fix: When the Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for the API Resource containing the Product.
* Tweak: Added $source parameter to error and info log methods to allow for custom log file names.
* Tweak: Added visual calculation aid for Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit Total.
* Tweak: Other visual and tip improvements.
2022.09.04 - version 2.4.3
* Tweak: Add boolean parameter to refresh_cache_by_order_id() method in SmartCache class.
* Add: Add constant WC_AM_PLUGIN_FILE before plugin object instantiated.
* Add: WC_AM_Background_Process class to improve background processing of large batches.
* Fix: Delete API Resource data from SmartCache bfore updating Access Expires values for all API Resources, so current values can be displayed immediately.