Sierra - SaaS & Tech Startup Elementor WordPress Theme

Sierra - SaaS & Tech Startup Elementor WordPress Theme 1.2 Nulled

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Author Zechariah
Creation date
- Added option to overwrite the All label with the Portfolio widget
- Update KeyDesign Framework v1.4
- Update demo import files
- Fixed critical error when trying to register purchase code on some servers
- Fixed critical error with missing Elementor Default Kit when activating the KeyDesign Framework plugin
- Fixed critical error on Portfolio pages when disabling the Portfolio CPT
- Fixed Site Settings body and paragraph font size issue on mobile and tablet breakpoints
- Fixed issue when trying to overwrite the page background color in Elementor Page Settings
- Fixed style issue with Add to cart button on shop minimal design layout
- Fixed style issue with WooCommerce notifications
- Fixed display issue with Pricing Table tooltips on mobile
- Fixed style issue with anchor tags inside the Heading element descriptions
- Fixed overlapping issue on mobile with the transparent header
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