Peggi - Multipurpose Children Theme

Peggi - Multipurpose Children Theme 1.7

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Author anne
Creation date
- Added WordPress 6.0 compatibility
- Added WooCommerce 6.6.1 compatibility
- Added PHP 8 compatibility
- Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 6.9.0
- Updated Revolution Slider to 6.5.25
- Updated Peggi Core to 1.3
- Updated Peggi Instagram Feed plugin to version 2.0.1
- Updated Peggi Twitter Feed plugin to version 2.0
- Updated Peggi Child theme to 1.0.1
- Updated Instagram security keys
- Fixed child theme CSS priority
- Fixed featured products display
- Fixed video post format syntax error
- Fixed Select Product Category shortcode displaying category slug instead of category name
- Fixed Countdown calculation
- Fixed Countdown year span
- Fixed Revolution Slider preview functionality
- Fixed star rating in single product page
- Fixed cart widgets in WordPress 5.8
- Fixed creation of the Custom Sidebars in new Widgets layout
- Fixed 'Bulk Select' functionality with Menus
- Fixed potential security issue
- Fixed WooCommerce quantity input fields NaN value
- Improved import for PHP 8
- Improved peggi_select_get_attachment_id_from_url function
- Improved theme registration to block Shortcodes and CPT loading if the theme is not registered
- Improved theme registration - code already used case
- Theme Validation Rest Endpoint
- Removed Google Plus social share