Ohio - Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme

Ohio - Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme 3.3.8

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### Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product quickview gallery issue fixed;
- Hamburger scrolling with one-page menu issue fixed;
- Isotope spacing with a load more pagination issue fixed;
- Mobile shop filters overlay color issue fixed;

### Added
- Product quantity input with a custom value;
- WordPress 6.5 compatibility added;
- WooCommerce 8.7 compatibility added;

### Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.8 version;
## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Wide menu markers style issue fixed;
- Scroll-to-top custom typography applying issue fixed;
- Portfolio with populated gallery preview issue fixed;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.7 version;
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Mobile hamburger menu icon position issue fixed;
- Carousel element width issue fixed;

- WooCommerce 8.4 compatibility added;

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.5 version;
## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Aria-label attributes in interactive elements issue fixed;
- Main menu and sticky footer dynamic typo issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to choose the color mode switcher layout;
- Option to enable/disable a dark section mode for the page headline;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.4 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
### Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Single product mobile appearance issue fixed;
- Custom color for the hamburger overlay issue fixed;
- Single project video cover visibility issue fixed;
- Tilt effect for lazy loaded images issue fixed;
- Single product image size customization issue fixed;

### Added
- Option to enable/disable randomized project order;

### Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.3 version;
- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.3 version;

### Notes
- After updating to the current version, a single product image size might be set to the default value.
To change that navigate to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images.
### Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;

### Added
- Option to set a blog post layout for each post;
- Option to choose the subscribe popup type;
- Option to choose the subscribe popup featured image position;
- Option to set the subscribe popup background color;
- Option to set the subscribe popup height;
- Option to set the subscribe popup width;
- Option to set the subscribe popup close button color;
- Option to show/hide the subscribe popup close link;
- Option to set the color switcher typography for a specific page;
- WooCommerce 8.2 compatibility added;

### Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;

### Notes
- After updating to the current version, a single blog post layout might be set to Standard.
To change that navigate to Theme Settings > Post > General.
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- SVG logo size issue fixed;
- Cards overlay width issue fixed;

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.3.1 version;
## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Product adding to cart with AJAX issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide the post author in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide the post date in the page headline;
- Option to show/hide post comments in the page headline;
- WooCommerce 7.8 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.5 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
### Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Video element animation (Safari) issue fixed;
- ACF update package not found issue fixed;
- Single tab options applying in Accordion element issue fixed;

### Added
- WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility added;
- Correct popup placement for Gallery element added;

### Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.4 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;
## Fixed
- Minor style fixes and improvements;
- Color mode switcher mobile issue fixed;

## Added
- Option to show/hide the date of publication on blog items;
- Option to set a custom cart image;
- Option to set a custom my account image;
- WooCommerce 7.5 compatibility added;

## Updated
- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.2.2 version;
- Main language file ohio.pot;