Flatsome | MultiPurpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Flatsome | MultiPurpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme 3.19.0 Nulled

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Author anne
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NEW: WooCommerce 9.0 compatibility.
NEW: Product quick Buy Now button.
NEW: Product sticky gallery option.
NEW: Icon and letter case options for Header Button 1 & Button 2 elements.
NEW: Sorting option for product live search results.
NEW: Threads follow link option.
NEW: Threads share link option.
NEW: Threads (social media) icon.

ENHANCEMENT: Added most commonly used brand taxonomies in the shop archive check function.
ENHANCEMENT: An array of catalog mode improvements.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved heading text wrapping.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini cart JavaScript event improvements.
ENHANCEMENT: Only add skip-lazy class on product gallery images when Jetpack lazy load is enabled.
ENHANCEMENT: Renamed blog post 'Custom Posts' option label to 'Posts' for clarity.
ENHANCEMENT: Skip the main product gallery image from lazy loading.
ENHANCEMENT: Updated cart contents count method.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Auto open mini cart drawer on tablet/mobile in combination with mini cart dropdown on desktop.
FIXED: Blog posts element pagination with offset value produced incorrect results.
FIXED: Corrected Whislist text string translation domain.
FIXED: Custom cart icon size attributes.
FIXED: Default read more button style in the Blog posts element.
FIXED: Header main HTML elements did not display on mobile view.
FIXED: Product review stars in content small template did not display.
FIXED: Resolved issue where the reveal-icon class for a button was being added when no icon was assigned.
FIXED: Swatches default selected color is secondary and now correctly reflects custom secondary color value.
FIXED: Tag line color with header light text.
FIXED: Visibility setting did not affect shortcode pagination controls.
FIXED: wishlist-added class in combination with YITH "Show Remove from list" option.

CHANGED: Banner & Section backgrounds now use an img tag.
CHANGED: instance() methods deprecated in favor of get_instance().
CHANGED: Moved cookie function from global scope to Flatsome object.
CHANGED: Pjax items are now declared per entry in the experimental_flatsome_pjax filter.

DEV: Added flatsome_show_buy_now_button filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_box_actions_classes filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_box_classes filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_box_image_classes filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_box_text_classes filter.

Note: Minimum required PHP version 7.4.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 8.3.
Note: Minimum required WP version 6.4.
Note: This release contains an enhanced security measure. We recommend updating your sites promptly for optimal protection.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.8 compatibility.
NEW: Added new .l10n.php translation file format.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved mini cart drawer rendering performance.

FIXED: Element pagination with offset value produced incorrect results.
FIXED: Free shipping bar did not consider "Apply minimum order rule before coupon discount" option and always applied minimum order rule before coupon logic.

UPDATED: Language files.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.7 compatibility.
FIXED: Corrected lightbox menu item text in admin bar options to 'Drawer & Lightbox'.
UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.
NEW: Added a button to clear typography cache and locally downloaded files.

FIXED: Addressed an issue where locally served font files were returning 403 errors in some cases due to irregular Google font API responses.
FIXED: Image lazy loading on WC Composite components.
FIXED: Hotspot tooltip on a mobile device.

CHANGED: Upgraded the format of font files to woff2 from woff.

UPDATED: Language files.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.6 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Added check for global $product object existence in flatsome_sticky_add_to_cart_template function.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

FIXED: Improved handling of non-existent attachment images.
FIXED: Shop category header title color with dark content.
FIXED: Undefined array key "limit" PHP warning in some cases.

UPDATED: Google Fonts list.
UPDATED: Language files.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.5 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Free shipping bar was displayed when only virtual products were in the cart.
ENHANCEMENT: Header newsletter title setting stays now visible if a custom block is chosen.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved mini cart loading state styles.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved shortcode image detection for sitemap.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini cart qty input improvements.
ENHANCEMENT: Sticky add to cart only consider the first visible Add to Cart button as intersection.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Free shipping threshold currency conversion issue in some cases.

UPDATED: Language files.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini Cart Quantity: Automatically remove items from the cart when their quantity is reduced to zero.
ENHANCEMENT: Mini Cart Quantity: Validation for user manual input.
ENHANCEMENT: Refined the description of the 'maintenance bypass key' option for better understanding.
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Altered Widget link color and link color hover settings, they no longer target the mini cart widget.
FIXED: AJAX 'Add to Cart': Enhanced compatibility with different plugins to prevent conflicts.
FIXED: Rectified the width issue of Login lightbox with register panel layout.
FIXED: Corrected the improper display of Mobile product sidebar on certain product layouts.
FIXED: Show Page Layout widget in Classic Editor when Block Editor is disabled for pages.

DEV: Added flatsome_is_blog_archive filter.
DEV: Added flatsome_is_shop_archive filter.
DEV: Recommended PHP version 8.1 or higher (8.0 EOL) for better performance and security.
ENHANCEMENT: Made theme colors available through theme CSS custom properties (see note).
ENHANCEMENT: Various CSS improvements.

FIXED: Ajax add to cart with 'Any...' variation setup.
FIXED: Images weren't imported correctly from Flatsome Studio in some cases.
FIXED: An error occurred in the Page Layout section in the Block Editor in some cases.
FIXED: Mini cart content after Pjax filtering.

UPDATED: Language files.

Note: In certain cases, such as when WP Global styles were disabled by a performance plugin, custom theme colors defaulted to their original values.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.3 compatibility.
NEW: Debuting tailored Pjax functionality. Facilitates ajax-driven navigation & filtering (optional).
NEW: Shop: AJAX for product category widget, filter widgets & sorting (optional).
NEW: Builder: Color Eyedropper tool for effortless screen color picking.
NEW: Scroll to the top after Pjax navigation option.
NEW: Mini cart: Quantity input (ajax-driven) option.
NEW: Mini cart: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Mini cart: Empty cart icon & return to shop button.
NEW: Mini cart drawer: Show cross-sells option.
NEW: Mini cart drawer: Sticky footer option.
NEW: Cart: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Checkout: Free shipping bar option.
NEW: Added advanced menu section 'Content Delivery'.
NEW: Blog pagination type choice (Normal/AJAX).
NEW: WooCommerce pagination type choice (Normal/AJAX/Infinite scroll).
NEW: Blog posts element pagination (pagination links, load more, prev/next) on row, masonry & grid layout.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination alignment.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination ID and Class field.
NEW: Blog posts element pagination position.
NEW: Products element pagination (pagination links, load more, prev/next) on row, masonry & grid layout.
NEW: Products element pagination alignment.
NEW: Products element pagination ID and Class field.
NEW: Products element pagination position.
NEW: FAQ schema support to accordions, for improving SEO and search result visibility (optional).
NEW: Lottie scroll action type option (seek, play, playOnce).
NEW: Single product gallery type option (slide, fade).
NEW: Custom accordion anchor.
NEW: Custom tab anchors.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Body class.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Bypass by key.
NEW: Maintenance mode: Exclude by role (default).
NEW: Option to display WhatsApp among the Header Contact fields.
NEW: Option to set Off-canvas / Drawer width.
NEW: Option to set Off-canvas Cart Drawer width.
NEW: Select theme colors in the Block Editor.
NEW: Shop catalog ordering enable/disable option.
NEW: Shop catalog result count enable/disable option.
NEW: Smoother theme scroll-to animation.
NEW: Title link rel option.
NEW: Title link target option.
NEW: Tooltip color & background color options.
NEW: UX Blocks admin category filter and column.
NEW: Added 2 header block slots.
NEW: Bullet list cross icon.
NEW: X (social media) icon.
NEW: X follow link option.
NEW: X share link option.
NEW: WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility.

ENHANCEMENT: Body overflow prevention.
ENHANCEMENT: Don't lazy-load images with high fetch priority.

FIXED: Attach post when uploading images in UX Builder.
FIXED: Copy as Shortcode on custom product page product elements.
FIXED: Don't auto play sliders on mobile after scrolling if not enabled.
FIXED: Don't redirect to product when clicking on swatches in UX Builder.
FIXED: Image lazy-loading failed in some cases on WordPress 6.3.
FIXED: Non-bullet styled list item indentation in UX Block menu dropdown.
FIXED: Removed padding on text with color inside square and circle Text Box elements.
FIXED: Responsive Stack gap with "0" as value.

CHANGED: Disabled ajax add to cart on composite products.

UPDATED: Language files.