Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 5.7.1

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Download Enfold v5.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free
Oct. 18th, 2022 – v5.2

Performance feature: option to load minified js and css files instead of original js and css files (no file merging)
CSS feature: added css vars for theme options "General Styling"

tweak: clear theme update cache when validate/revalidate Envato token
tweak: CSS image container fix on image blur hover effect
tweak: version number added to scripts now based on theme version

fixed: button and fullwidth button now show title attribute when linked to image in lightbox title
fixed: CSS selectors for ALB Testimonials
fixed: CSS selector for ALB Headline Rotator so Advanced Styling does not override element setting
fixed: ALB Table bug in wp_enqueue_style parameter list (rendered false for version)
fixed: slideshow buttons on mobile not working (Fullwidth Easy Slider and Fullscreen Slider)
fixed: display issue on single event mobile view when Event Tickets plugin is active
fixed: added a version check to avoid notice: Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::enable_recurring_info_tooltip is deprecated since version 6.0.0
fixed: added a check for Telegram social icon to avoid having to save theme options
fixed: added a note that editing Custom Elements is not possible when fullscreen mode is enabled
fixed: ALB gridrow responsive settings ignored when cell reverse or individual sorted
fixed: ALB Contact Form multiple select label is selectable when labels are hidden

updated: Layerslider 7.5.3
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.2, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.2 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.2 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Spanish language files es_ES - minor changes only


tweak: updated config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\external\JSqueeze.php to support ES6 class keyword

fixed: filter 'avf_verification_password_field' and added new return value for readonly

added: filter 'avf_ignore_min_file_for_merge' - allows to ignore .min files during merge on file basis
added: filter 'avf_templ_archive_tab_portfolio' - allows to change table title "Portfolio" on archive template page
added: filter 'avf_supress_css_theme_variables' - allows to supress generation of CSS vars

Sept. 1st, 2022 – Version 5.1.2

tweak: ALB Icon Grid add background images to front and back
tweak: ALB Icon Grid added CSS flexbox model for better stylings
tweak: ALB sticky toolbar in Block Editor fullscreen mode
tweak: change CSS order of uploaded typefonts (woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot)
tweak: YOAST support for Tribe Events Calendar
tweak: new ALB Image hover effects:
- fade to alternate image
- Grayscale
- Smoothen (blur())

added: Telegram social share button

fixed: Block editor ALB is not draggable in fullscreen mode
fixed: conditional option fields in Partner/Logo Element not hidden
fixed: minor CSS with padlock symbol in CET
fixed: function_exists() check for avia_social_share_links_single_post
fixed: minor CSS fixes on WC account page

updated: LeafletJS to v1.8.0
updated: Layerslider 7.3.0
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.1.2, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files version 5.1.2-dev-0 (close to final release)


added: filter 'avf_fallback_avia_sc_icongrid' - load the old icongrid for fallback (ignores the new implementation)
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_blur' - modify css rule
added: filter 'avf_wc_product_hover_default' - allows to change default selection for option "Hover effect on Overview Pages"
Download Enfold v5.1.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Free Nulled
Sept. 1st, 2022 – v5.1.2

tweak: ALB Icon Grid add background images to front and back
tweak: ALB Icon Grid added CSS flexbox model for better stylings
tweak: ALB sticky toolbar in Block Editor fullscreen mode
tweak: change CSS order of uploaded typefonts (woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot)
tweak: YOAST support for Tribe Events Calendar
tweak: new ALB Image hover effects:
- fade to alternate image
- Grayscale
- Smoothen (blur())

added: Telegram social share button

fixed: Block editor ALB is not draggable in fullscreen mode
fixed: conditional option fields in Partner/Logo Element not hidden
fixed: minor CSS with padlock symbol in CET
fixed: function_exists() check for avia_social_share_links_single_post
fixed: minor CSS fixes on WC account page

updated: LeafletJS to v1.8.0
updated: Layerslider 7.3.0
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.1.2, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files version 5.1.2-dev-0 (close to final release)


added: filter 'avf_fallback_avia_sc_icongrid' - load the old icongrid for fallback (ignores the new implementation)
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_blur' - modify css rule
added: filter 'avf_wc_product_hover_default' - allows to change default selection for option "Hover effect on Overview Pages"
Download Enfold v5.1.1 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Free Nulled
July 28th, 2022 – v5.1.1

fixed: ALB Content Slider broken
fixed: Block Editor in full width layout title field not visible
Download Enfold v5.0.1 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Free Nulled
Jun 21st, 2022 – v5.0.1

tweak: add fallback units to css transform rules in class-element-styling.php
tweak: clarify selectbox description for columns mobile breakpoint position
tweak: Block editor support - added theme.json file

fixed: CSS for tribe events calendar plugin
fixed: 0 in multi input fields ignored in some elements (not interpreted as 0px, e.g. special heading)
fixed: v5.0 - Fullscreen Slider Button links not working
fixed: Lightbox images not responsive on WooCommerce single product page gallery
fixed: CSS for WooCommerce variations buy box table elements

developer-feature: ALB typography improvement in font_sizes_icon_switcher (in beta) - change selectboxes to input fields for advanced users (theme option Layout Builder -> Typography Input Fields)

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.0, provided by BigBatT)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.0 provided by comkapi)
Download Enfold v5.0 - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Free Nulled
Jun 8th, 2022 – Version 5.0

New demo: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-parallax/

feature: added position options (responsive) to:
- Image
- Button
- Columns

feature: added "Curtain Reveal Animations" (found in Animations Dropdown) to:
- Image
- Columns
- Masonry
- Masonry Gallery

feature: added Animations Dropdown to:
- Button

feature: added parallax option (responsive) to:
- Image
- Columns

feature: added transform options (perspective, rotate3d, scale3d, skew, translate3d) (responsive) to:
- Image

feature: added options to scale (zoom) and opacity for images when slide becomes active:
- Easy Slider
- Fullwitdh Easy Slider

feature: minimum column height in % of surrounding layout container

feature: theme option to disallow background image parallax and delayed animations on mobile (Performance Tab) - changed to be allowed by default
feature: added swipe to all devices supporting touch screens (not only to mobile devices)
feature: Extended Animations Dropdown with "Advanced Fade Animations", "Special Advanced Animations"

feature: ALB Horizontal Gallery added rotation and styling options
feature: ALB PostSlider added Navigation Dots
feature: ALB Testimonial Slider added navigation styling and animation options
feature: Adjusted options (and new options) for most sliders - under progress:
- Slider Control Styling
- Show Navigation Arrows and Dots (or none)
- Custom colors for Navigation Arrows and Dots
- Transitions and speed
- Autorotate, end with last slide
- Disable/Enable manual rotate (hide corresponding Navigation Arrows)

feature: WPML global layout theme options - keep in sync options for all languages
feature: added support for RankMath SEO plugin (active beta)

tweak: CSS Burger Menu - remove space above mobile menu in landscape orientation and mobile devices
tweak: support image links for slideshows with first slides caption as permanent caption
tweak: option to add "alb templates" to top of page (not only to bottom)
tweak: add option "Use custom link (fallback is image link)" to ALB Masonry Gallery
tweak: ALB Tab Section new option "Deeplink String" (Advanced Tab -> Developer Settings) to set a custom link hash

fixed: Block editor and ALB Tab Section have strange behaviour in backend
fixed: Accordion Slider division by zero if no entries or images
fixed: Anchor column link not working when set to open in the same window
fixed: Block editor typography letter spacing not working
fixed: Google Search only allows 1 tag FAQPage

tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.proxy in all theme files:
- enfold\config-gutenberg\js\avia_gutenberg.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow\slideshow.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_accordion/slideshow_accordion.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\slideshow_fullscreen\slideshow_fullscreen.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\menu\menu.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-tab-section.js
- enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\assets\js\avia-tooltip.js
- enfold\js\avia.js
- enfold\js\shortcodes.js
- enfold\framework\js\avia_sidebar.js
- enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_maps_api.js
- enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_maps_front.js
- enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_recaptcha_api.js

tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.fn.focus() in js\aviapopup\jquery.magnific-popup.js

updated: sync all language files version 5.0 (close to final release)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )


tweak: support json string for slideshow options in HTML (data-slideshow-json="...")

added conditional body classes:
- 'pointer-device-undefined', 'pointer-device-fine', 'pointer-device-coarse', 'pointer-device-coarse-only', 'pointer-device-none',
- 'touch-device', 'no-touch-device'

added: class aviaPopupTemplatesPlugins

added: filter 'avf_css_rules_position' - allows to alter position rules top bottom left right
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_duration' - allows to alter animation-duration rules
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_delay' - allows to alter animation-delay rules
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_transition_duration' - allows to alter transition-duration rules
added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_styles_skip' - skip creating rules on element basis
added: filter 'avf_get_global_option_keys' - modify global options key attributes before adding to internal logic
added: filter 'avf_is_global_option' - remove a global option attribute

deprecated: AviaHelper::css_4value_helper() no longer needed
removed: $.AviaParallaxElement - replaced by AviaObjectParallaxElement in enfold\js\avia-snippet-parallax.js

renamed: function sonar_keyframes -> keyframes
renamed: filter 'avf_css_rules_sonar_keyframes' -> 'avf_css_rules_keyframes'
fixed: WooCommerce single product page: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id()
March 25th 2022 - Version

fixed: incorrect syntax in generated styles for background-image: unset;
fixed: sidebars not displayed in certain languages
Feb 21 2022 - Version 4.9

tweak: add font-display option to google webfonts link

feature: new options for ALB Elements:
- Accordion
- html tag for toggle title
- responsive font sizes
- Animated Countdown and Events Countdown
- custom colors for numbers and description and title
- Animated Numbers
- custom colors for numbers and description
- Team Member
- Responsive Font Sizes
- Testimonials
- Responsive Font Sizes

added: ALB Icon Grid responsive breakpoint options for 50% and fullwidth

fixed: problem with uploaded google fonts not working after (#3707)
fixed: ALB Gallery Meta ContentURL Value and remove displayed post title
fixed: curtain footer with left/right sidebar for mobile devices not working
fixed: ALB slideshow duplicate image of first slideshow - use add_theme_support( 'avia_post_css_slideshow_fix' );
fixed: Sidebar shadow still visible on mobile view for blog

compatibility: fix WPML post grid query for untranslated terms to display only public post types as fallback

tweak: Enfold widgets can be used in Block Widget Editor - disabled by default and is in unsupported beta and backend preview is not properly supported
added: use add_theme_support( "avia_enable_widgets_block_editor" ); to switch to new block widget editor
deprecated: $avia_config['use_block_widget_page']
important: custom sidebars cannot be added and removed in Block Widget Editor - switch to old widget page


added: action 'avf_product_slider_html_list_before_item' - allows e.g. to call do_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails' );

Performance/Security: widgets not needed can be removed and php code is not loaded
moved: widget classes in seperate files enfold\framework\php\widgets\widget-classes

introduced: namespace aviaFramework
introduced: namespace aviaFramework\widgets\base\

added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_base_classes' - add custom widget base classes loaded before widgets
added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_widget_classes' - add custom widgets or remove widgets and do not load php code
added: filter 'avf_font_display_google_fonts' - change theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour for google web fonts
added: filter 'avf_google_fontlist' - new parameters

removed: function avia_get_post_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
removed: function avia_get_comment_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
removed: function avia_google_maps::handler_print_google_maps_scripts (deprecated since 4.4)
removed: function avia_google_maps::print_map (deprecated since 4.4)
removed: file enfold\framework\php\class-framework-widgets.php -> enfold\framework\php\widgets\class-widget-loader.php
removed: widget class avia_tweetbox (moved to enfold\framework\php\widgets\legacy\class-avia-tweetbox.php)

deprecated: function avia_option() -> avia_get_option()
deprecated: function avia_check_custom_widget() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_is_dynamic_template() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_backend_get_dynamic_templates() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_show_menu_description() - no longer needed
Feb 7th 2022 - Version

tweak: add schema meta contentURL to ALB gallery image object
tweak: change display name for 500px (from five_100_px)

fixed: some webfonts not applied when used in Theme Options -> Advanced Styling
fixed: Load More button not working for ALB Masonry elements
fixed: Theme options override Slider caption title custom color options
fixed: CSS slideshow controls hidden below 767px - removed
fixed: Tab Section arrow not getting Tab Section background color
fixed: CSS for layout with 1/4 columns when setting columns to no margin on tablet (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px)
fixed: little typo in helper-privacy.php file (refuseing -> refusing)

compatibility: WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not working properly

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.9, provided by BigBatT - [email protected])
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: German de_DE_formal translation error broken link


added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_excluded_taxonomies' - exclude taxonomies in ALB Post Metadata