Chat - Support Board - WordPress Chat Plugin

Chat - Support Board - WordPress Chat Plugin 3.7.2 Nulled

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New feature New articles system.
New feature IP Banning. Restrict chat access by blocking IPs.
New feature Option to hide the conversation details panel.
Optimization Various push notifications improvements.
Bug Various minor bug fixes.
Api Depreacted JS API function 'SBPusher.pushNotification()'. Now replaced by 'SBF.serviceWorker.pushNotification()'.
Api Depreacted PHP API function 'sb_save_articles()'. Now replaced by 'sb_save_article()'.
Fixed bug related to Push Notifications by Pusher.

Fixed bug related to getting correct user language.

Fixed bug related to deleted converstions when an agent was deleted.

Fixed bug related to OneSignal Push Notifications.

Fixed bug related to conversations list order in the admin area.

Fixed bug related to flash notifications for the chat widget.

Fixed bug related to sending audio messages to messaging channels.

Fixed bug related to user email notifications via cron job.

New feature
Added support for MySQL encrypted database connection.

New feature
Option to force one conversation per department and one conversation per agent.

New feature
Option to disable sending of privacy, subscribe messages on messagin channels.

New feature
New messages counter for admin area.

Improved sound notifications. Distruption: some of your existing sound settings will be lost. You have to setup them again.

Improved admin area design.

Improved queue management.

New argument extra_3 for the PHP API function 'sb_new_conversation()'.
Improved admin area design.

Option to disable the follow-up message on messaging channels.

The login form is now the default form when registration is enabled.

Fixed bug minor bugs related to RTL on the admin area.
New featureOption to edit notes and to hide note username.

New feature Search for settings.

New feature Option to show the department colors on the left conversation list.

New feature Added Traditional Chinese language.

Optimization Improved tags. Distruption: your existing tags will be lost.

Optimization Improved SMTP compatibility.

Optimization Added custom push notification badge.

Bug Fixed bug related to chat close on mobile when a new automated message is received.

Bug Fixed bug related to conversations order in admin area.

Bug Fixed bug related to email piping.

Bug Fixed bug related to desktop notifications username.

Bug Fixed bug related to unread conversations count in admin area.

Info The agent availability report is not longer available due to performance reasons.
Fixed bug related to departments filter for agents.

Fixed bug related to Push notifications on iOS devices.

Fixed bug related to red notifications.

Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.

Fixed bug related to queue and routing.

Fixed bug related to RTL design.

Fixed bug related to duplicated or missing attachments when receiving multiple attachments at the same time.

Fixed bug related to issues with audio recording on Safari.

Fixed bug related to HubSpot newsletter integration.

Fixed bug related to the audio player.

Fixed bug related to users list when routing, queue or hide conversation of other agents setting is active.

New feature
Added support for OneSignal Push notifications.

New feature
Added Lithuanian language.

The away mode is now disabled by default. It must be activated from Settings > Notifications > Away mode.
Security Some minor enhancements have been made to improve security.

Bug Fixed bug related to supervisor privileges.

Bug Fixed bug related to getting new conversations.

Bug Fixed bug related to code snippets rendering.

Bug Fixed bug related to the users table error when logged in as agent and routing is active.

Bug Fixed bug related to auto opening of the chat.

New feature Option to filter conversations by chat source.

New feature Option to force email notifications.

New feature Option to exclude admins from receiving email notifications.

New feature Offline status is now automatically activated after 2 minutes of inactivity.

New feature Option to change admin colors.

New feature Option to change the texts of the admin login page.

Optimization Improved touch gesture behavior on mobile devices.

Optimization Improved flesh notifications.

Optimizatio nImproved red counter notification.

ApiMajor update to the responses of the following PHP API: sb_get_conversations(), sb_get_new_conversations(), sb_get_new_user_conversations(), sb_search_conversations(), sb_get_user_conversations().

ApiMajor update to the responses of the following JS AJAX API AND WEB API: 'get-conversations', 'get-new-conversations', 'get-new-user-conversations', 'search-conversations', 'get-user-conversations'.
Bug Fixed bug related to the translation of the admin login area.
Bug Fixed bug related to scrolling on new messages.
Bug Fixed bug related to the follw up message delay.
Bug Fixed bug related to empty admin message menu.
Bug Fixed bug related to shortocode-like strings returning false in messages.
New feature Calendly integration for booking appointments.
New feature Option to export reports.
New feature New report: agent availability.
Optimization Increased responsive mode to all devices smaller than 465px.
Api New PHP API function 'sb_reports_export()'.
Api New WEB AND AJAX API function 'reports-export'.
Fixed bug related to security error when an agent add a new user.

Fixed bug related to rich message shortcodes.

Fixed bug related to follow up message.

Fixed bug related to email piping.

Fixed bug related to archiving Slack channels.

Fixed bug related to the phone registration field.

New feature Added Malay language.

New feature Option to disable channels filter.

New feature Tags filter.

Optimization Improved translations.

Optimization Privacy message is now sent to messaging channels as well.

OptimizationAdded breaklines for notes.

OptimizationAgents email notifications are no longer sent if email piping is active and agent email notifications are not active.

OptimizationConversation left border is not of the same color or the depertament.

InfoRemoved Grammarly support.
BugFixed bug related to deleting article categories.

BugFixed bug related to admin area translations.

BugFixed bug related to the chat translations.

BugFixed bug related to articles reports.

BugFixed bug related to articles search.

BugFixed bug related to corrupted chars for specific words in messages.

BugFixed bug related to wrong dates.

BugFixed bug related to breaklines in saved replies.

BugFixed bug related to the saved replies search.

New featureConversation tags.

New featureOption to select multiple conversations at once and perform actions like archiving, deleting, marking as read, or marking as unread on them.

OptimizationImproved departments, agent and tags assignment via automations.

OptimizationPush notifications are now multilingual.

OptimizationEmail notifications now feature rich messages.

OptimizationAdded translation compatibility for follow-up and subscribe messages.
Fixed bug related to article translations.
Fixed bug related to the mobile app.
Fixed bug related to Sendinblue newsletter subscription.
Fixed bug related to transcripts.
New featureNew automation to show different items for different criteria.
Added support for WebP image preview.
New argument 'count' for JS API method SBChat.getArticles()'.
New JS API function 'SBApps.dialogflow.openAI()'.
New JS AJAX function 'open-ai-message'.