BabyStreet - WooCommerce Theme for Kids Toys and Clothes Shops

BabyStreet - WooCommerce Theme for Kids Toys and Clothes Shops 1.6.6

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- Update: Latest WooCommerce compatibility
- Update: Bundled plugins new versions
- Tweak: Minor CSS and JS performance improvements
- Update: Latest WooCommerce compatibility
- Update: Bundled plugins new versions (WP Bakery, Revolution, Envato Market)
- Tweak: Minor CSS and JS performance improvements
*IMPORTANT: Update is required for both the theme files AND the theme plugin (Appearance > Install Plugins > BabyStreet Plugin)
- Update: WooCommerce 7.4.0 compatibility
- Update: Revolution Slider 6.6.10
- Tweak: Various CSS and JS performance improvements
Update: WC 7.2.2 compatibility
Update: Bundled plugins
- Update: WooCommerce 7.1.0 compatibility
- Update: WordPress 6.1.1 compatibility
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder v. 6.10
- Tweak: Various CSS and JS performance improvements
Download BabyStreet v1.5.9 - WooCommerce Theme for Kids Stores and Baby Shops Clothes and Toys Nulled Free
v1.5.9 – 08.09.2022
- Tweak: RTL fixes and adjustments
- Tweak: Various CSS and JS improvements
Download BabyStreet v1.5.8 - WooCommerce Theme for Kids Stores and Baby Shops Clothes and Toys Nulled Free
v1.5.8 – 03.08.2022

*IMPORTANT: Update is required for both the theme files AND the theme plugin (Appearance > Install Plugins > BabyStreet Plugin)
- Tweak: Improved AJAX fitlers widget functionality
- Tweak: Various CSS and JS performance improvements