Avas | Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Avas | Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme 6.5.7 Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date
- Updated: Redux Framework.
- Fixed: Theme Options > Post views enable/disable options not working on the Two and Three columns Blog Template.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
- New: Cyber Security Services demo has been released https://tiny.one/avas-cyber-security-services
- Fixed: Elementor hook deprecated issues. The Elementor plugin needs to be updated.
- Fixed: Theme Options > Post views enable/disable options not working on the archive page.
- Fixed: Portfolio hover content overlap on the sticky header.
- Fixed: LearnPress single course page related course not showing correctly when it's less than three items.
- Fixed: LearnPress course sidebar box shadow not showing properly.
- Tweak: Learnpress course sidebar Recent Courses widget thumbnail width increased, removed course bottom space.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
- Fixed: "Avas Portfolio Carousel" Elementor widget console error.
- Fixed: Responsive Main Menu Icon Text Position not working.
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings.
- Added: Scroll Progress Bar option on Theme Options > Global > Scroll Progress Bar.
- Added: Resize option on the contact form, comment textarea.
- Fixed: Your theme (avas) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files.
- Fixed: Mailchimp Elementor widget width issue.
- New: Mailchimp Elementor widget created. You need to install the MC4WP plugin to use this widget.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
- New: Interior demo is released https://tiny.one/avas-interior
- Remove: Avas gallery image by default unwanted link.
- Tweak: The sidebar's shadow is not visible properly on different screens.
Download Avas v6.3.7.6 | Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v6.3.7.6 – OCTOBER 23, 2022

- Updated: Redux Framework.
- Dev: Removed unused classes from all widgets.
- Dev: Cleaned codes.