Astra Pro - Extend Astra Themes With the Pro Addon

Astra Pro - Extend Astra Themes With the Pro Addon 4.7.0 Nulled

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* Improvement: WooCommerce - Declared HPOS Compatibility across the plugin to avoid incompatibility notice when WooCommerce Addon Module is disabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Form labels get hidden for Stripe payment method.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading color option is not working on frontend.
* Fix: Blog Filter - Banner visibility glitch with 'Post Filter' and 'Banner Layout 2'
* Fix: WP CLI - PHP Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func()' while running WP CLI commands.
* Fix: Submenu border width of old header footer builder causing site crashing issue.
* New: Blog Pro - Blog Filter to filter categories and tags. ( )
* New: Header Builder - Search - Option to switch Light or Dark modal design for Full Screen style.
* New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new cart shortcode 'astra_woo_slide_in_cart', which adds support for a slide-in cart feature.
* New: Editor - Introducing Page Level Background Settings (Page Background & Content Background). ( )
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_social_rel_attribute' to change Social Share's "rel" attribute inside the post.
* Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.
* Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Social Icon - Text decoration typography style for labels not working.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Embed/YouTube block not working inside nested blocks.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Menu color gets overridden by normal header primary menu color.
* Fix: WPML conflicting with Profile language for translation.
Fix: Custom Layout - Layouts missing on the frontend for logged-out users with update v4.3.2.
  • Improved codebase for improved security. (Props – Patchstack)
  • Blog – Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.
* New: Custom Layout - Option for dynamic content preview in single/archive template editor.
* New: Header Builder - Account - Introducing new option for Account menu expansion "Hover" or "Click".
* Improvement: Introducing filter 'astra_addon_cl_ast_container_fullwidth' to make flex based ast-container full-width to resolve edge cases like Custom Template shrinks on archive pages.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account - PHP warning 'Undefined variable $css_output_desktop' while generating dynamic CSS.
* Fix: Mailchimp for WooCommerce radio select option is not clickable when Modern Input Fields is enabled.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Meta options modal's UI adding extra space after WordPress-6.3.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Archive templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper.
* New: Custom Layout - Ability to create custom single & archive layouts like theme builder.
* New: Introduced option to change Header logo color while sticky.
* Improvement: Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce Pages.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - HPOS Compatibility.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - New Product Editor Compatibility.
* Improvement: Introducing new admin notice for incompatibility of the theme.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Spectra's dynamic CSS-JS assets loading even though the layout is disabled from the edit list.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Layout hooked at 'After Single Product Summary' overlaps on the single product image and summary box.
* Fix: Custom Layout - FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecated notice.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Elementor Pro's Mini Cart Widget Conflicts With Astra Mini Cart Widget.
* Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Parsing duplicate ID error for 'primary-site-navigation' and 'ast-hf-menu-x'.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account Login Popup's UI breaking when Sticky Header is active with Hide on Scroll option.
* Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Divider elements missing from the settings when old astra-settings getting imported.
* Fix: File Generation - PHP warning while accessing cache files on some servers.
* Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin.
* Fix: Compatibility with YITH Composite Products for Single Product Real Time Add to Cart.
Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.
* New: WooCommerce - Added Sale badge color change option for shop card modern design.
* Improvement: Updated the license deactivation setting notification icon from admin panel.
* Improvement: Loaded WP admin-bar related compatibility css only if user is logged in.
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_font_line_height_unit' to adjust the unit for line height. ( )
* Improvement: Custom Layout - Improvised layout editor icons with better UI.
* Improvement: Added font-size support till 200px in customizer typography options.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Column setting not working on single product page for display recently viewed products.
* Fix: Mega menu icon styling is not applying on tablet/mobile.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Console error on checkout order review page.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout Order Review Page Does not Appear for Mobile/Tablet when the Modern Checkout is enabled.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Edit layout Screen does not work with Beaver Builder when classic editor is active.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Embed video block not working on front end.
* Fix: Nav Menu - Mega menu not working with RTL language setup on the frontend.
* Fix: License activation link not working on admin Custom Layout & Page Headers page.
* Fix: Console warning regarding the incorrect use of <label> element and improved compatibility with accessibility tools.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Fatal Error on Modern Checkout Page after Adding New Field with YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Plugin
* Fix: Header Builder - Site Logo becomes too small for the sticky header.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Code editor strips out the code while saving and not working properly on frontend too.
* Fix: Search - Inline search box misaligned with respect it's search icon position.
* Fix: WooCommerce & WordPress marketplace users getting subscription notification when plugin purchased from Brainstorm Force store.