AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer

AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer 2.0.3

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Author pansy
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no change log for this version
update: Added AI OmniBlocks – allows you escape the hardcoded AI execution streams and creation your own AI execution stream. Dynamically pass results from one AI execution to another, use web scraping, RSS scraping, social sharing, Google SERP data importing, Amazon product details, YouTube video captions and much more! Check this tutorial video for details.
update: Added support for Anthropic Claude AI to generate textual content (their models are currently supporting up to 20,000 token context window, which is great to analyze and parse large chunks of text). You can use the Anthropic models anywhere in the plugin. Working only if you install also this Aiomatic Extension on your server. Check this tutorial video for details.
1. Locally copied images now also create a Media Library entry, for easier management
2. Added support for Amazon S3 compatible storages for image storage: CloudFlare R2, Digital Ocean Spaces, Wasabi - this is active only while using the "Amazon S3 Storage For Images" plugin extension:
3. Fixed an issue with AI Bulk Post Creator crashing in some rare cases
4. Added support to call also OpenAI API using proxies define in the plugin's settings
5. Added support for more shortcodes in the AI Post Content Writer
no changelog for this version
1. Addeed the ability to not link Amazon product review and roundup post headings to the Amazon affiliate URL
2. Fixed fatal error on latest PHP version
1. New feature: CSV File AI Post Writer
2. Minor fixes and improvements
update: Added a new feature: Amazon product review writer (create detailed Amazon product reviews, adding multiple sections, including: table of contents, customer review analysis, q&a, pros & cons – add also your affiliate ID).
1. Added the new gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model
2. Added bbPress support, the plugin can create topics for forums and replies for topics in Bulk AI Post Creator
3. Added the ability to define the parent ID of created posts in Bulk AI Post Creator
4. Added the ability to selectively disable/enable embeddings and internet access for Bulk AI Post Creator title/sections/content/intro/outro/qa/excerpt AI prompts
5. Fixed Polylang integration with created default categories of posts
6. Fixed category generator issue, when sub-categories existed with the same name
7. Added the ability to delete all persistent chat logs with a single button
1. Update - added API response streaming support for chatbot - start displaying also partial responses in chatbot, ChatGPT style - resulting in faster overall response times
2. Stable Diffusion added the ability to select image style presets, from: 3d-model analog-film anime cinematic comic-book digital-art enhance fantasy-art isometric line-art low-poly modeling-compound neon-punk origami photographic pixel-art tile-texture
3. Fixed Stable Diffusion issue when adding some image generator parameters
4. Fixed other issues and bugs