Advanced Custom Fields Pro  - WordPress advanced custom fields

Advanced Custom Fields Pro - WordPress advanced custom fields Nulled

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* Enhancement - ACF Blocks which have not been initialized by the editor will now render correctly
* Enhancement - Added a new `acf/filesize` filter to allow third party media plugins to bypass ACF calling `filesize()` on attachments with uncached file sizes, which may result in a remote download if offloaded
* Enhancement - ACF PRO license status and subscription expiry dates are now displayed on the “Updates” page
* Fix - Product pages for WooCommerce version 8.2 or newer now correctly support field group location rules
* Fix - Relationship field items can now be removed on mobile devices
* Fix - Color picker fields no longer autocomplete immediately after typing 3 valid hex characters
* Fix - Field settings no longer appear misaligned when the viewport is something other than 100%
* Fix - Select fields without an aria-label no longer throw a warning
* Fix - CPTs and Taxonomies with a custom text domain now export correctly when using PHP export
Fix - Editing a field group no longer generates an error when UI options pages are disabled
* New - Options Pages created in the admin UI can now be assigned as child pages for any top-level menu item
* New - Added a "Title Placeholder" setting to ACF Post Types which filters the "Add title" text when editing posts
* Enhancement - ACF PRO will now warn when it can’t update due to PHP version incompatibilities
* Enhancement - ACF PRO will now work correctly with WordPress automatic updates
* Enhancement - The internal ACF Blocks template attribute parser function `parseNodeAttr` can now be shortcut with the new `acf_blocks_parse_node_attr` filter.
* Enhancement - Removed legacy code for supporting WordPress versions under 5.8
* Fix - The "Menu Position" setting is no longer hidden for child options pages
* Fix - The tabs for the "Advanced" settings in Post Types and Taxonomies are now rendered inside a wrapper div
* Fix - Options pages will no longer display as a child page in the list view when set to a top level page after previously being a child
* Fix - Conflict with Elementor CSS breaking the ACF PRO banner
* Fix - Errors generated during the block editor’s `savePost` function will no longer be caught and ignored by ACF
* [Added] Global Saved Filters are now also stored in File Storage
* [Added] Smart Filtering for the Author role column on Custom Post Type list tables
* [Added] New hook to load table views on-the-fly `acp/storage/repositories/callback`
* [Added] Setup for PHP File Storage now allows you to set a text domain for translations (see documentation)
* [Added] New hook to set a text domain for translation in PHP file storage `acp/storage/file/directory/i18n_text_domain`
* [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables `ac/list_screen/is_active`
* [Added] New hook to disable Admin Columns for certain list tables based on keys `ac/list_screen/key/is_active`
* [Added] New Password column for the User list table to change the password for a user from the table
* [Fixed] Styling for the new sorting markers in WordPress 6.3
* [Fixed] Bulk Delete could give an error when the columns where not saved for the table
* [Fixed] The hook `ac/post_types` works again to disable Admin Columns for specific post types
* [Fixed] You can now reset custom Column Order on the table, even when you disabled the feature
* [Improved] New hook to add more styles for Conditional Formatting `acp/conditional_format/color_styles`
* [Improved] The Preview Column now also show a preview for video and audio files
* [MetaBox] Added display support for MetaBox Group fields
* [YoastSEO] Added columns for the Schema fields: Article type and Page type
* [WooCommerce] User Link setting for Customer (Orders) works now correctly
* [WooCommerce] Support for new HPOS feature in WooCommerce
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core version 4.6.5
* [View Release Post](
* New - ACF now requires WordPress version 5.8 or newer, and PHP 7.0 or newer. View the [release post]( for more information
* New - Bidirectional Relationships now supported for Relationship, Post Object, User and Taxonomy fields. View the [release post]( for more information
* New - [Options Pages]( can now be registered and managed by the admin UI in ACF PRO
* New - Link to the [product feedback board]( added to the plugin footer
* Enhancement - ACF JSON now supports multiple save locations (props Freddy Leitner)
* Enhancement - ACF Post Types and Taxonomies can now be duplicated
* Enhancement - The filename for JSON files can now be customized with the `acf/json/save_file_name` filter
* Fix - REST updates of fields with choices containing integer or mixed keys now behave correctly
* Fix - Using the `block_type_metadata_settings` PHP filter to add usesContext values no longer breaks ACF blocks
* Fix - Notice to import post types/taxonomies from CPTUI no longer flashes on page load
* Fix - Various buttons for fields in blocks now display correctly
* Fix - The settings for the DateTime field are no longer cut off when nested in several fields in the field group editor
* Fix - The newline added to the end of JSON files will now use `PHP_EOL` to detect the correct newline character with a filter `acf/json/eof_newline` to alter it.
* i18n - Updated French and Portuguese translations (Thanks to pedro-mendonca and maximebj)
* Security Fix - This release resolves a stored XSS vulnerability in admin screens with ACF post type and taxonomy labels (Thanks to Satoo Nakano and Ryotaro Imamura)
* New - Added new capability settings for ACF taxonomies
* Enhancement - Added a new `acf/field_group/auto_add_first_field` filter which can be used to prevent new field groups from automatically adding a field
* Enhancement - Field setting labels now have standard capitalization in the field group editor
* Enhancement - Clone field now has a tutorial link
* Enhancement - "Exclude From Search" CPT setting now has an improved description
* Enhancement - The `acf_get_posts()` function now has `acf/acf_get_posts/args` and `acf/acf_get_posts/results` filters
* Enhancement - Added a new `acf/options_page/save` action hook that gets fired during save of ACF Options Pages
* Fix - Taxonomies are now initialized before post types, preventing some permalink issues
* Fix - Increased the taxonomy slug maximum length to 32 characters
* Fix - Extra tabs are no longer added to PHP exports with field settings containing multiple lines
* Fix - ACF admin assets now load when editing profile and users for a multisite network
* Fix - Blocks with recursive `render_callback` functions will no longer crash the editor
* Fix - JSON files now end in a new line for better compatibility with code editors
* i18n - `layout(s)` strings in Flexible Content fields are now translatable
* i18n - Updated Polish translations
* Security Fix - This release resolves an XSS vulnerability in ACF’s admin pages (Thanks to Rafie Muhammad for the responsible disclosure)
* Fix - Duplicating fields in a new field group with field setting tabs disabled now behaves correctly
* Enhancement - Creating a new field group from the post-save actions for a post type or taxonomy will automatically populate the field group title
* Enhancement - Empty values in list tables now display as a dash, rather than blank
* Enhancement - The `Generate PHP` export tool for field groups now displays the code wrapped in the `acf/include_fields` action hook to match the recommended way of using `acf_add_local_field_group`, and the code is formatted correctly
* Enhancement - Post count and Term count values in list tables now link through to the matching posts or terms
* Enhancement - Added post-save actions to post type and taxonomies to create another
* Enhancement - Selecting existing taxonomies when registering a Custom Post Type is now available in the Basic settings section rather than Advanced
* Fix - `Exclude From Search` setting for custom post types now behaves correctly
* Fix - Duplicating fields with sub fields no longer results in JS errors
* Fix - Select2 field settings now render correctly when duplicating fields
* Fix - Checkbox fields allowing custom values which use integer keys can now be updated over the REST API
* Fix - Using the `No Permalink` rewrite setting for post type will no longer generate PHP warnings
* Fix - The `minimum rows not met` validation message for the Repeater field type now correctly states the minimum rows are not met
* Fix - The Range field type no longer cuts off three digit values
* Fix - `Created on` and `Delete Field Group` now correctly only appear on the Group Settings tab of a field group
* Fix - Padding for field settings tabs is now correct
* i18n - Updated all PRO translation files, removing legacy free strings which are now handled through [](
* i18n - Updated PRO translations with the latest contributions from [GitHub]( (Thanks to @MilenDalchev, @Xilonz and @wiliamjk)
* Fix - ACF now detects when another plugin or theme is loading an incompatible version of Select2, and will fallback to a basic select field for the field type selection
* Fix - Post Object, Page Link and Relationship field types now use a default `post_status` filter of `any`, matching the behavior prior to ACF 6.1. This can be edited per field in the field group admin or via the `acf/fields/$field_type/query` filters
* Fix - Post Type and Taxonomy key generation now uses dashes rather than underscores
* Fix - The "add first" text no longer appears when no search results are found for ACF field groups, post types or taxonomies