The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress

The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress 11.13.01 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @netman updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Mar 10, 2023

1. Removed stale “Added To Cart” state setting in Product widgets.
2. Renamed “Out Of Stock” to just “Out” in the Add To Cart widget.
3. Updated it_IT translation.

Bug Fixes:
1. Thumbnails for the WC product categories occasionally failed to be imported.
2. The7 used deprecated elementor.saver.on feature.
3. Simple Posts widget content width was wrong on mobiles.
4. Currency sign color differed from the price color.
5. Undefined property: WP_Post_Type $term_id in...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Apr 5, 2023

1. The7 Slides are now translatable with WPML.
2. Added the required second argument to the 'get_the_excerpt' filter.
3. Fixed the fatal error: Uncaught TypeError caused by array_key_exists().
4. Addressed the XSS vulnerability in the legacy "DT Flickr" widget (by removing it). Please note that this was only a theoretical threat, as exploiting it required a bad actor to already have admin access.

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thanks to dear member @richard updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:


no changelog in link

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thanks to dear member @netman updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:


no changelog for this version

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

July 5, 2023

1. Fixed an issue where descriptions were exceeding the column width in The7 Products.
2. Resolved problems with The7 Slider after the Swiper Library update (related to the Elementor feature).
3. Addressed the issue where pointer events were not working inside slides in The7 Slides widgets.
4. Corrected a problem where the mini-cart became invisible on refresh.

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:


no changelog for this version in link

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thanks to dear member @netman updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Aug 11, 2023

Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 8.0.x and WPBakery Page Builder 7.0.x.

1. Improved animations in The7 Image widget:
- animations inside the overlay are being triggered every time (as opposed to only once);
- separate settings for overlay fade-in and fade-out timings;
- separate timing settings for forward and backward image transform.
2. When importing a single page and the "main menu" does not exist, the next existing menu will be displayed (as opposed to...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:


changelog link in here

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Nov 30, 2023

New Features:
1. Introduced the Product Images List Widget.
2. "AJAX" pagionation option was added to loops.

1. Added a new variant of the scroller to the product image for loops.
2. Enhanced compatibility of Attributes and Taxonomy filters.

Bug Fixes:
1. Resolved an issue where using "Any [attribute]" value in a variation made the attribute invisible in the Products widget.
2. Addressed the display issue with the Before/After shortcode.
3. Fixed the problem where...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Feb 23, 2024

1. Added the ability to include videos in the Product Images widget.
2. Improved the button stretch feature in the Loop Add to Cart.
3. Updated the es_ES language file.
4. Enhanced the styles for variations in the Loop Add to Cart.
5. The "Twitter" icon changed for the "X" in old WPB shortcodes.

Bug Fixes:
1. Made the default "Add to Cart" label in "The7 Add to Cart" widget translatable.
2. Fixed the issue where Safari jumps to the top after closing the widget menu cart popup...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Mar 6, 2024

Updated WooCommerce templates for enhanced compatibility and functionality.

Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed a notice "Warning: Undefined array key "open_selector"" in the popup widget.
2. Resolved the issue of missing "related" source options in the loop widgets.
3. Addressed the "The7ElementorSettings is not defined" JavaScript error.
4. Corrected the buggy bullets height in the loop carousel and template slider.
5. Fixed the issue where the gradient overlay in Posts Masonry & Grid was...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Mar 20, 2024

Improved the responsive layout of the "Orders" page for better usability on various devices.

Bug Fixes:
1. Adjusted the colors of headings in the Text widget.
2. Fixed the issue where the The7 Post Loop widget was broken in search templates.
3. Added missing space between link attributes in the "Social Icon" WPB shortcode.
4. Resolved the issue where the WC Product Attribute meta was not imported.
5. Corrected the layout of Posts Masonry & Grid widget in editor mode.
6. Updated...

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thanks to dear member @work updated The7 — Website and eCommerce Builder for WordPress with a new update entry:

Apr 12, 2024

New Features:
1. Introduced the ability to bulk edit Custom Fonts in Site Settings > Global Fonts.
2. Added a "Stay in Parent Container" feature with accompanying settings for sticky containers.

1. Simplified and reworked the "Hide/Show Section on Scroll (Experimental)" into a "Show on Scroll Up" setting for sticky containers.
2. Enhanced WPML compatibility.
3. Improved accessibility by ensuring that links have a discernible name.
4. Updated WooCommerce templates to version...

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