Mindmap module for Perfex CRM

Mindmap module for Perfex CRM 1.0.5

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chavez Staff Sergeant
Bronze Member
badge id 1 1 Year of Membership
Sep 11, 2021
thanks to dear member @chavez submitted a new resource:

Mindmap module for Perfex CRM - a Perfex module that allows its users to visualize ideas process, share and present thoughts

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Mindmap is a Perfex module that allows its users to visualize ideas process, share and present thoughts by brainstorming. Collaborative mind mapping and brainstorming tool.

This s a msall module that will allow you to visualize your ideas. Mind maps assist the brainstorming phase because you can add ideas without a filter. They provide the perfect opportunity for challenging yourself creatively to put anything and everything you can think of out of your...

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