Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2

Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2 v4.0.1

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clokers Sergeant
Bronze Member
badge id 108 NullPro Lover
Oct 18, 2020
clokers submitted a new resource:

Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2 - Martfury M2 Theme Release - 03/02/2021

A complete design for your online store based on Magento 2 engine. In other words, you can easily change your Magento shop appearance by installing a new theme in a few easy steps. With all of its simplicity a Magento theme is provided with all the necessary source files that you can edit or extend the way you need.

Read more about this resource...
thanks to dear member @clokers updated Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2 with a new update entry:

Martfury v3.4 Release - 04/18/2022

Martfury v3.4 Release - 04/18/2022

- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.4 and Magento 2.3.7-p3
- Add pagination option for brand page
- Add discount label for configurable product dropdown
- Add new PayPal logo
- Fix hide newsletter popup
- Update Magefan Blog
- Improve minor styles

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with Martfury v3.4 Release php 8.1 magento 2.4.4
tell me how to fix it, the error appears when I add a product or click on a category

1 exception(s):
Exception #0 (Exception): Warning: Undefined array key "content_css" in /home/partsmarketplace/public_html/app/code/MageBig/MbFrame/Framework/Cms/Plugin/Wysiwyg.php on line 114

Exception #0 (Exception): Warning: Undefined array key "content_css" in /home/partsmarketplace/public_html/app/code/MageBig/MbFrame/Framework/Cms/Plugin/Wysiwyg.php on line 114
<pre>#1 MageBig\MbFrame\Framework\Cms\Plugin\Wysiwyg->afterGetConfig() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php:146]
#2 Magento\Cms\Model\Wysiwyg\Config\Interceptor->Magento\Framework\Interception\{closure}() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php:153]
#3 Magento\Cms\Model\Wysiwyg\Config\Interceptor->___callPlugins() called at [generated/code/Magento/Cms/Model/Wysiwyg/Config/Interceptor.php:23]
#4 Magento\Cms\Model\Wysiwyg\Config\Interceptor->getConfig() called at [vendor/magento/module-ui/Component/Form/Element/Wysiwyg.php:64]
#5 Magento\Ui\Component\Form\Element\Wysiwyg->__construct() called at [vendor/magento/module-page-builder/Component/Form/Element/Wysiwyg.php:120]
#6 Magento\PageBuilder\Component\Form\Element\Wysiwyg->__construct() called at [vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php:121]
#7 Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\Factory\AbstractFactory->createObject() called at [vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/Dynamic/Developer.php:66]
#8 Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\Factory\Dynamic\Developer->create() called at [vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/ObjectManager.php:56]
#9 Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ObjectManager->create() called at [vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/UiComponentFactory.php:261]
#10 Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponentFactory->create() called at [vendor/magento/module-ui/Component/Form/Field.php:85]
#11 Magento\Ui\Component\Form\Field->prepare() called at [vendor/magento/framework/View/Layout/Generator/UiComponent.php:164]
thanks to dear member @clokers updated Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2 with a new update entry:

Update new version 3.6

Martfury v3.6 Release - 10/08/2022
- Fix ajax filter on mobile

Martfury v3.6 Release - 09/15/2022

- Add option to show Critical SVG logo loading
- Add option to change product gallery width
- Improve google pagespeed score
- Fix gallery layout when change product image ratio
- Update Magefand blog
- Improve minor styles

Read the rest of this update entry...
I have the latest release and will upload
How do you solve this :
error: Can not open /var/www/html/app/design/frontend/MageBig/martfury/layout01/web/css/source/_mbdesign.less file
thanks to dear member @adamadamov обновил ресурс Martfury - Marketplace Multipurporse eCommerce Magento 2 новой записью:

Martfury v3.8 Release - 6/19/2023

- Improve Google Page Speed Score
- Upgrade complete package to Magento 2.4.6-p1, 2.4.7-p1
- Add option Display product tab as Tab or Accordion
- Add option Product description View more / View less
- Add option Enable/Disable Sticky Add to Cart
- Imporve Smart Menu performance
- Reduce unuse js/css

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
Share the latest version webkull marketplace

much needed - thanks
There is a bug in the mobile menu.
Categories are not shown
The jquery-collapsible.js file is not initialized

The error is in the app/code/MageBig/SmartMenu/view/frontend/templates/html/navbar.html file

<div class="magebig-mobile-menu overlay-contentpush">
    <div class="nav-bar-wrap">
        <nav class="nav-bar">
            <?= $this->getChildHtml('logo-nav') ?>
            <ul id="mb-collapsible" class="nav-collapse nav-mobile-accordion">
                <!--<li class="home"><a href="<?/*= $block->getBaseUrl(); */?>"><span><?/*= __('Home') */?></span></a></li>-->
                <?= $block->getHtml(0, 'level-top', 'nav-mobile'); ?>
            <?php echo $block->getLayout()->createBlock('Magento\Cms\Block\Block')->setBlockId('horizontal-menu-mobile')->toHtml(); ?>
        <div class="close-nav"><span aria-hidden="true" class="mbi mbi-arrow-left"></span></div>

    <script type="text/x-magento-init">
            ".nav-collapse": {
                "MageBig_SmartMenu/js/jquery.collapsible": {
                    "accordion": false,
                    "speed": 400,
                    "mouseType": 0,
                    "collapsed": "collapsed mbi mbi-ios-arrow-down",
                    "expanded": "expanded mbi mbi-ios-arrow-up"
Last edited by a moderator:
Good job. amazing
I want to know if it compatible with Magento 2.4.7 pl-1