Improve your SEO and avoid Google penalty using noindex Module

Improve your SEO and avoid Google penalty using noindex Module 1.1.17(07/01/2022)

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yuan First Sergeant
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Nov 14, 2020
thanks to dear member @yuan submitted a new resource:

Improve your SEO and avoid Google penalty using noindex Module - As far as Google goes, 90% of your web pages are not optimized.

Are you working on your SEO and yet your website does not top Google search?

Do other websites rank better than yours, although your pages are better optimized than theirs?

It is normal!

As far as Google goes, 90% of your web pages are not optimized.


- Improve your website SEO in just a few minutes
- Choose which pages should be indexed (or not ) on Google with care and precision
- Use the “NoFollow” to prevent search engines from following the links that...

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