BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon

BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon 1.4.9 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @netman updated BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon with a new update entry:

Dec 1, 2023

* [Pro Slider Control] - Added the ability to display data from prev/next or current slides.
* [Breadcrumbs] - Added an option to remove current page/post title from breadcrumbs.
* [Dynamic Lightbox] - Added an option to reposition the captions directly underneath the lightbox content.
* [Pro Offcanvas] - Focus moving back to trigger when Offcanvas closed is now optional.
* [Pro Tabs] - Now supports multiple "Read more" elements inside tab content.
* [WPGridBuilder Facets] - Added options to...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon with a new update entry:

Feb 15, 2023

* [General] - Added support for elements to be used inside Bricks' new AJAX search results, AJAX filters and AJAX popup content.
* [Element Interactions] - New "triggers" added in Bricks interactions options for many elements.
* [Pro Accordion] - New option for toggling accordion behavior across breakpoints.
* [Countdown] - Now includes fixed end times/date via dynamic data (renamed to Pro Countdown).
* [Pro Tabs] - Can now open tabs/accordion with URL parameters.
* [General Conditions] -...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon with a new update entry:

Mar 21, 2024

* [Popover] - Now supports being used inside query loops using Bricks' infinite scroll.
* [Social Share] - Added Print button as a new option.
* [Hotspots] - Exposed the instance so can be controlled via JS (see dev docs).
* [Hotspots] - Can now be closed with data-x-close attribute inside hotspot content.
* [Pro Slider Gallery] - Fixed the issue with Splide lazy loading sometimes causing images to not display.
* [Pro Slider] - Adjusted the default arrow CSS to prevent user uploaded SVGs...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon with a new update entry:

Apr 16, 2024

* [Social Share] - Added more print options, including the ability to print specific parts of the page.
* [Social Share] - Added an option to customize the subject/body text of email.
* [Copy to Clipboard] - Added support for copying user-added content from inputs/textareas.
* [Table of Contents] - Conditional display - choose a minimum number of headings found in content to display the table.
* [Pro Tabs] - Improved keyboard accessibility.
* [Pro Tabs] - Added a "tab orientation" setting to...

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