AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer

AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer 2.0.5

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thanks to dear member @Jocelyn updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:

24 March 2023

Chatbot reworked, added menu where default options can be customized with a live preview
Chatbot new features added:
- copy text if chat bubble is clicked
- change chatbot form styling, text colors, background colors, form size, placeholder and submit button text
- scroll to the bottom of the form if new messages added
- persistent chat support improved
- predefined chat templates support added
Fixed fatal error at plugin activation, in some rare cases
Added a new feature to moderate the...

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thanks to dear member @Jocelyn updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:

9 March 2023

User aware chatbot support added - Chatbot can learn details about the currently logged in user: username, email, ID, nice name, first name, last name
Added the ability to limit the maximum message length sent to the chatbot
Added the ability to save/load templates in the "Single AI Post Creator" menu
Added support for embeddings using AiomaticAPI


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thanks to dear member @Jocelyn updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:

4 April 2023

Added AI Assistant in Gutenberg Editor and Classic Editor
Added the ability to select multiple categories for posts in Bulk AI Post Creator menu
Added the ability to limit the number of replaced keywords in the "Affiliate Keyword Replacer" menu
Added the ability to create custom post types in "Single AI Post Creator"
French translation added


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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Added the ability to use or Google Text-to-Speech to make the AI Chatbot talk!
2. Added a microphone voice input feature for the Chatbot
3. Added a custom Chatbot shortcode builder to the plugin, as the Chatbot shortcode has many parameters, a builder is now needed to allow easier setup for this shortcode
4. Added embeddings support for Azure OpenAI API
5. Added automatic deployment listing for Azure, no need to add any more created deployments in plugin settings
6. Added...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Added the ability to assign AI generated categories and tags to posts edited by the AI Content Editor
2. Enabled chatbot HTML responses (clickable links and much more)
3. Added the ability to remove JavaScript from chatbot's HTML responses, to prevent hacking and abuse
4. Added the ability to save persistent chatbot messages also for not logged in visitors, based on their IP address
5. Added the ability to not create inexistent categories in Bulk AI Post Creator
6. Added Russian...

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thanks to dear member updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Added the ability to write AI generated image attachment details, like "Alternative Text", "Caption", "Description" and "Title"

2. Added to the 'Single AI Post Creator' the ability to 'Run The Content Prompt Separately For Each Section'. This will allow long form content to be created, as for each section title, a different API call will be made, constructing the resulting article

3. Added a 'More Features' plugin menu, documenting the 'hidden gems' of the plugin (features of which you...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Added Spintax support for all prompt fields
2. Added the ability to prepend and append text to each prompt which is sent to the AI writer by each prompt ('Global Prompt Options' settings in rule settings)
3. Added the ability to use the %%video_descripton%% and %%video_url%% shortcodes in prompts for YouTube to posts, to get the video's description and URL
4. Added the ability to append and prepend YouTube video details (title, description, URL, caption) to the created posts
5. Added the...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Great improvements in royalty free image searching:
- Added the ability to select royalty free image source search order
- Added the ability to randomize royalty free image source order
- Added the ability to select the top X eligible images from results
- Added the ability to translate image search keywords to English
- Added the ability to create single/multi keyword searches for images
- Added the ability to randomize royalty free image result order
- Added the...

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thanks to dear member @richard updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


0. Back to work from my Summer Vacation!

1. Changed OpenAI model training (finetuning) API to the new version OpenAI released, added support for gpt-3.5-turbo finetuning
2. Stable Diffusion updated models and API nodes
3. Updated Azure Image API endpoint usage
4. Updated Azure API versions
5. Fixed Azure model listing issue
6. Try to get full content from AI, when only partial content is returned
7. Fixed all bugs and issues...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Update - added API response streaming support for chatbot - start displaying also partial responses in chatbot, ChatGPT style - resulting in faster overall response times
2. Stable Diffusion added the ability to select image style presets, from: 3d-model analog-film anime cinematic comic-book digital-art enhance fantasy-art isometric line-art low-poly modeling-compound neon-punk origami photographic pixel-art tile-texture
3. Fixed Stable Diffusion issue when adding some image generator...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Added the new gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct model
2. Added bbPress support, the plugin can create topics for forums and replies for topics in Bulk AI Post Creator
3. Added the ability to define the parent ID of created posts in Bulk AI Post Creator
4. Added the ability to selectively disable/enable embeddings and internet access for Bulk AI Post Creator title/sections/content/intro/outro/qa/excerpt AI prompts
5. Fixed Polylang integration with created default categories of posts
6. Fixed...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


1. Locally copied images now also create a Media Library entry, for easier management
2. Added support for Amazon S3 compatible storages for image storage: CloudFlare R2, Digital Ocean Spaces, Wasabi - this is active only while using the "Amazon S3 Storage For Images" plugin extension:
3. Fixed an issue with AI Bulk Post Creator crashing in some rare cases
4. Added support to call also...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated AIomatic - Automatic AI Content Writer with a new update entry:


update: Added support for Anthropic Claude AI to generate textual content (their models are currently supporting up to 20,000 token context window, which is great to analyze and parse large chunks of text). You can use the Anthropic models anywhere in the plugin. Working only if you install also this Aiomatic Extension on your server. Check this...

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