WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management

WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.0.20 Nulled

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[Fix] Add Open by text and close by text when we add the location time from the edit location.
[Fix] Add location open time and close time in advanced list view instead of dropdown and simple list view.
[Fix] [Enhancement] Set Radius >> Should display "We are not serving this area" message in the cart page when we enter the address out of the given radius.
[New] ADD enable disable toggle beside location name in product edit page
[New] Add clear filter button in product central to clear the values in the selected filter.
[New] Manage group > New filed called "loaction" which display all the locations added in manage loaction section
[Fix] Product central > Product id alignment issue
[Fix] Facing warnings in locations dropdown on single product page when fedex and multilocation is actiavted at a time
ADD- Given provision for location wise stock management on product level with manage stock disablement
Add: Code for assign only one Openpos outlet for one location
Fix: Improved code for Openpos outlet was auto assigned to every location.
Fix: UI Fix
Fix: Improved code for BOM - Location as per shipping zone for simple and variable product.
[New] Advanced List view with shipping cost and time
[New] Compatibilty with StockUpp POS for WooCommerce by techspawn
[Fix] 20+ fixes related to user experience
[Fix] Stock is not available for the product, it is still displayed as in stock in the product edit.
[Fix] Total stock is not reducing after deleting the location for variable product.
[Fix] When the Limit 1 location per order setting is enabled, the location is not selectable in the location drop down.
[Fix] "Show Next Closest in stock Location" settings is not working as expected.
[Fix] The option "use current location" does not appear in the Location dropdown after clicking on it.
[Fix] When product is on "Allow Backorder" , the on frontend add to cart button is not working with list view(display setting)
[Fix] ]Backend only mode >> Product total count is not displayed when we use 'Location with most inventory in stock' rule
[Fix] Local pickup location > The pickup location address should be displayed the same for both frontend and backend only modes.
[Fix] If admin enter sale price greater than regular price in product central then the message should be displayed as "please enter a value less than the regular price".
[Fix] Set Location Cookie Time is not saving.
[Fix] Simplify backend-only mode settings.
[Fix] Backorder setting is not working for variable product
[Fix] The checkout page is always loading with Backend only modes 2nd rule
[Fix] Show address details >It displays the street address twice on the product details page with list view.
[Fix] Hide the location dropdown on the product page if the stock status for a specific product variation is disabled.
[Fix] Facing error on checkout page "Error processing checkout. Please try again" Can't place an order.
[Fix] Local pickup location(Back end only mode) Issue for both simple and variable product
[Fix] Added validation > Multilocation > Local Pickup location when the product stock is 0