UsersWP Pro 1.2.9

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Author netman
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Security-Focused WordPress User Profile Plugin Without The Bloat!
Short Description
FREE Download Premium and Nulled UsersWP Pro 1.2.9 version from NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 3 MB File size. From UsersWP Pro have 1 Description Attachments, 40 Views.

The only lightweight and 100% secure user registration, user login and user profile plugin for WordPress. Customize the design with your favorite page builder. Fully compatible with Elementor, Oxygen, Divi, Beaver Builder, Gutenberg and many other page builders. UsersWP features front end user profiles and accounts, users directory, unlimited registration forms and login form. =

While BuddyPress, Ultimate Member, Profile Builder and similar plugins are excellent, we wanted to create something much lighter and simpler to use.

Something that could be gentle on your server resources. With less options to make it easy to setup, 100% compatible with page builders and more hooks to make it infinitely extensible for developers.

Today UsersWP is by far the simplest solution available to manage users on WordPress. It takes seconds to setup, it is super fast and it's perfect to create a community of users within your website.


* Drag and Drop forms builder with all kind of custom fields for your user profiles.
* Multiple registration forms, allowing to assign a different role to each form.
* Login form
* Edit Account form
* Users Directory
* User profile
* Password Recovery form
* Change Password form
* Reset Password form
* Authorbox
* Custom menu items like login/logout links and links to relevant pages.

All the above elements can be added to your website via Gutenberg Blocks, Widgets (that can be used with most page builders) or Shortcodes.

After activation all pages are created with the correct shortcodes so that you are good to go in seconds.

You can customize the design of both the Users Directory and the User Profile templates using your favorite page builder. For example, you can decide where any element of the user profile appears. Elements like: the Avatar, the header banner, the name and all custom fields you created.

= User Profile =

The user profile features a cover image, an avatar and an optional tabbed menu showing :

* User's posts
* User's comments
* Custom fields (if any)

You can chose if you want to hide any section of it and where to show the custom fields. In a sidebar or in their own tab.

Or you can redesign the template completely just like you modify any WordPress page. Using shortcodes, blocks or widgets, through the classic editor, Gutenberg or any page builder.

Otherwise just customize the PHP templates as you wish within your child theme.
UserWp Addons list in here
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3 MB
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