SayHi - A complete chat and social media platform for your next Tiktok/Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat

Nulled SayHi - A complete chat and social media platform for your next Tiktok/Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat 1.3 Nulled

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Author hargrave
Creation date
- New - Editable stories
- New - Upload test stories
- New – Share story in chat
- New – Show cached content in case of no internet
- New – Create post when a product is added
- New – Create a post when event is created by admin
- New – Create post from event manually, also When joined the event
- New – Create post when Fund raising is added
- New – Create post when donated in fund raising
- New – Create post when Offer is added
- New – Create post Job is added
- New – Create a post when competition is added by admin
- New – Create a post when competition result is declared
- New – Create a post when new club is created by user
- New – Create a post when new open group is created by a user
- New – When the user starts a live broadcast, he must invite his followers by sharing the broadcast.
- New – Post in an event
- New – Separate timeline for event post feed
- New – Post in fund raising campaign
- New – Separate timeline for fund raising post feed

- Fixed – Fixed create post in club
- Fixed – Fixed Forgot password
- Fixed – Delete chat message issue fixed
- Fixed – Online/ offline status issues fixed
- Fixed – Chat scrolling issue fixed
ADDED Share post as link
ADDED Main host can Ban users from live
ADDED Host can add moderator in Live streaming that have access to remove/ban any user from live
ADDED Admin can see user last login detail, like device, model, IP address
ADDED Block IP address to use app
ADDED Tag location to post
ADDED Manage features user wise, now you can enable/disable feature for a particular user from admin
ADDED Add/Remove coins from user wallet via admin
ADDED Enable/disable last seen and online status
ADDED 2 Factor authentication for admin
ADDED Change user name and password for admin
FIXED Copy ChatGPT response
FIXEDD uplicate phone number account reg issue
FIXED Show live joined users count in live suers listing