Premium subscription - Droppy online file transfer and sharing

Premium subscription - Droppy online file transfer and sharing 2.1.8

No permission to download
Author richard
Creation date
- Added option to set plan inactive
- Fixed issue with Stripe not updating the plan details properly
- Fixed issue with Stripe not always setting the start/end date properly
- Fixed rounding issue when voucher was applied.
- Fixed issue that caused subscription not to be loaded when active
- Updated Italian translation.
- Added support for custom backgrounds
- Fixed limit issue on the amount of upload expire time options
- Fixed incorrect display of expire time when set to unlimited
- Fixed display issue for uploads that never expired
- Fixed issue that caused deleted uploads to show in sub-user uploads list
- Fixed dubble confirm delete popup
V2.5.0.1 (13 March, 2023)
- Small patch update for issue with premium add-on

V2.5.0 (13 March, 2023)
- Added thumbnail generation for "large" images when file preview is enabled
- Added improved uploads table to admin panel including the option to filter records
- Added uploads export option to admin panel
- Improved file preview layout
- Increased length of background path and url
- Decreased concurrent uploads to prevent possible server issues and improve performance
- Fixed some styling issues for the premium add-on
- Changes for upcoming premium add-on update