Oxygen Builder - The Ultimate Visual Site Builder for WordPress

Oxygen Builder - The Ultimate Visual Site Builder for WordPress 4.8.2 Nulled

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Introducing the accessibility-focused Site Navigation element

Site Navigation​

Use WordPress Menus​

Build your menu like any other WordPress menu, but with the ability to add descriptions & icons or images for each individual menu link.

Accessibility Focused​

The Site Navigation element was built specifically to accommodate accessibility requirements and make your site easier to use for all visitors.

Advanced Features​

CTAs, animated hamburger icons, animated dropdowns, and easy to use styling controls make the Site Navigation element a powerful tool.

In This Release​

Unwrap Code Block PHP & HTML
Automatic Unit Swapping

full changelog link:https://oxygenbuilder.com/2022/12/01/oxygen-4-2-now-available/
Fix: Corrected issue where nested Repeater resulted in query being reset, breaking any subsequent nested Repeaters after the first one (#4777)
Fix: Corrected issue causing it to be impossible to click sub-menu links in Pro Menu dropdowns if the dropdown was animated (#4778/#4785)
Fix: Corrected issue causing it to require two clicks to follow Pro Menu mobile menu dropdown links (#4784)
New: Added cross-site copy & paste (#4654)
-- Use the new "export" button in the Structure Pane node menu or ctrl/cmd+shift+c to copy an element's JSON
-- Use the new "import" button at the opt of the Structure Pane or ctrl/cmd+shift+i to import an element's JSON

Tweak: Added width expansion when "none" unit is chosen to most fields with "none" as a unit option (#4411)
Tweak: Made a number of adjustments to revisions (#4553)
-- Set maximum number of "daily" revisions to 7 by default. This is adjustable in Oxygen > Settings > Revisions.
-- Removed "hourly" revisions.
-- Added ability to delete individual revisions from posts.
-- Added ability to delete all revisions from specific posts.

Enhancement: Added support for tab navigation in Menu and Pro Menu elements (#2275)
Enhancement: Added support for ACF fields in Media Library images (#4528)

Fix: Non-CSS option from Elements API being rendered in CSS in builder preview
Fix: Umlaut characters being replaced in Oxygen JSON/shortcodes (#3272)
Fix: Form select dropdown triggers Oxygen Exit Intent modal (#3822)
Fix: Incorrect behavior for styles present indicator on Effects > Filter (#2366)
Fix: Incorrect behavior for styles present indicator on checkboxes (#2366)
Fix: Button padding ignored when using multiple classes (#1769)
Fix: Can't use Global Colors as a caption background color in Gallery element (#3779)
Fix: Revisions listed in incorrect order (#3775)
Fix: ACF image returned when image field empty (#3671)
Fix: "Dynamic Callback in Static Method" error related to Conditions (#3437)
Fix: Backtrace from notice Undefined index: oxygen_lock_post_edit_mode (#3136)
Fix: Updated EDD updater URL to https to avoid redirects on license checks (#3349)
Fix: Defining manual IDs in Repeater causes it to return only "post" post types (#3618)
Fix: Backtrace from notice Undefined variable: show_gradient (#3137)
Fix: Error related to design set images and User Design Library denied access (#3560)
Fix: Typo in Repeater code that could cause wrong post/product to be shown (#3526)
Fix: Global fonts not resolving in some specific scenarios (#2874)
Fix: Exception "Too few arguments to function wpdb::prepare()" (#3370)
Fix: Design library items can't be found if permalinks are set to Plain (#2654)
Fix: Dynamic data in a template can now be inherited down more than 2 levels (#2008)
Fix: Corrected scenario involving spans made into links containing dynamic data that could result in duplicate IDs/broken structure (#4668)
Fix: Corrected issue with elements that have apostrophes in their names breaking the page after being imported via the Design Library (#4657)
Fix: Users with "edit only" access to Oxygen can no longer rename elements (#4498)
Fix: Users with "edit only" access to Oxygen no longer have access to the gap field for containers (#4497)
Fix: Users with "Edit Only" access can no longer delete elements that aren't enabled for them (#4744)
Fix: Made multiple changes resulting in faster builder load times (#4683)
Fix: Corrected issue preventing output of ID assigned styles on Code Blocks used via Templates (#4689)
Fix: Disabled Properties Pane text editor for Spans (#3600)
Fix: Removed duplicate ct-section-with-shape-divider class on Sections that have Shape Dividers (#4622)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in JSON manually deleted from a post not being removed properly (#4462)
Fix: Corrected "Image not found" error when inserting background images (#4645)
Fix: Corrected "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error on sites with large amounts of classes (#4510)
Fix: Fixed class locking for states/pseudoselectors (#4437)
Fix: Corrected z-index on color picker & Structure Pane so they don't overlay in-builder dialog backdrops (#4016)
Fix: Corrected issue that could result in stylesheets having incorrect parent IDs, thus being active but not visible anywhere (#4264)
Fix: Minor security fix (#3781)
Fix: Repeater styles on breakpoints should now show properly in the builder (#4042)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused xlink.css file to still be generated for some sites, even with CSS caching enabled (#4631)
Fix: Edit Only users can now see the History list again (#4662)
Fix: Cleaned up some old Dragula files that were no longer in use (#4656)
Fix: Implemented fix for cases where CSS cache could not be regenerated on certain pages due to the presence of Code Blocks or third-party plugin shortcodes (#4219)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused an archive template to only be used if there were posts in the archive (#1954)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.0.3 Final Nulled Free
Oxygen 4.0.3 is a minor releases that focuses on bug fixes and improvements, including resolving some final remaining edge cases from the Oxygen 4.0 release. Below is a list of changes present in Oxygen 4.0.3:
## 2022/08/23
## Oxygen 4.0.3 Changelog
Enhancement: Added options to limit number of revisions, and delete all revisions (#4532)
Enhancement: Added post type & shortcodes/JSON options when regenerating CSS cache to avoid memory errors (#4643)

Fix: Corrected an issue that prevented default Gutenberg CSS from being output on the front-end (#4578, #4618)
Fix: Corrected an issue that prevented content/Gutenberg blocks from rendering with some template configurations (#4631)
Fix: Corrected Thrive compatibility issue (#4632)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused HTML inside script tags inside Code Blocks to be stripped on the front-end (#4585)
Fix: Corrected fatal error related to PHP 8.x and global Text/Display font settings (#4620)
Fix: Corrected issue preventing Structure Pane drag & drop from working correctly in Safari (#4453)
Fix: Empty templates should now render content as they did prior to 4.x (#4629)
Fix: Corrected PHP error related to CSS cache regeneration (#4597)
Fix: Added support for custom attachment sizes for images (#4388)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in PHP Function Return Value function arguments getting encoded (#4546)
Fix: Corrected a number of invalid CSS properties output by Oxygen (#3963)
Fix: Corrected Border control lag (#4605)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in erroneous warning in builder after setting Tabs element width on a breakpoint (#4563)
Fix: Locked classes can no longer be edited by having the Advanced tab open on another element, then switching to an element with the locked selector active (#4351)
Fix: Added option to load AOS styles in head, correcting issues where on-screen elements don't animate on page load (#2364)
Fix: Corrected FOUC caused by Tabs element (#3927)
Fix: Corrected issue that allowed Edit Only users to make changes to classes in specific circumstances (#3685)
Fix: Corrected issue causing Edit Only users to get redirected when attempting to edit Blocks (#3980)
Fix: Made it possible to use hyphens in custom attribute names (#3938)
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## 2022/07/22
## Oxygen 4.0.2 Changelog
Tweak: Increased click area for breakpoint buttons (#4548)

Fix: Exclude Code Block PHP/HTML output from Repeater ID fix (#4575)
Fix: Various issues with content being encoded on the front-end (#4577, #4564, #4527, #4526)
Fix: Corrected issue causing Oxygen-Gutenberg blocks to be inaccessible for users/roles without at least Edit Only access to Oxygen (#4565)
Fix: Corrected issue that made it impossible to check "Lock Post In Edit Mode" checkbox (#4555)
Fix: Improved behavior of save keyboard shortcut when editing code in Oxygen (#4551)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused styles for elements following a nested Repeater to break (#4547)
Fix: Restored Structure Pane for users in Edit Mode (#4539)
Fix: Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array/object, string given in ajax.php on line 596 (#4536)
Fix: It's now possible to select a specific menu in the Pro Menu element on a multisite install (#4531)
Fix: Corrected issue where ID assigned styles on elements used via Single Reusable part in Repeater were not output correctly (#4503)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.0.1 Final Nulled Free
Oxygen 4.0.1 Changelog

Fix: Removed new unintentional default flex styles for .oxy-dynamic-list that caused layout problems (#4538)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in Custom CSS and Custom JS on elements in Reusable Parts becoming encoded (#4537)
Fix: Corrected blank front-end issue caused by Inner Content element with no JSON (#4529)
Fix: Corrected issue causing Sliders to disappear on the front-end when used within a Repeater (#4517)
Fix: Corrected a problem with a Thrive compatibility fix that caused pages to appear blank on the front-end (#4514)
Fix: Corrected issue preventing Gallery lightbox from working when within a Repeater (#4518)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in encoded code from Code Blocks when used within a Block and inserted on a page via Gutenberg (#4512)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in code from Code Blocks being encoded when used within a Repeater that is filtered or paginated using WP Gridbuilder (#4469)
Fix: Updated various elements to use the proper selectors when used within Repeaters, fixing styling issues on the front-end (#4511)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in code from Code Block being output as encoded string when used within a reusable part on a full Oxygen-Gutenberg page (#4506)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in ID assigned styles on reusable parts not being output if reusable is inserted via Repeater (#4503)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in broken Superbox styling when used within a Repeater (#4504)
Fix: Removed default loading="eager" attribute on Image elements to avoid conflicts with third-party lazy loading functionality (#4505)
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Download Oxygen Builder v4.0 Final Nulled Free

Oxygen 4.0 Now Available

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