MailWizz - Email Marketing Application

Nulled MailWizz - Email Marketing Application 2.4.9 Nulled

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[BUG] - Autoresponder menu item would not be displayed on new installs in customer area
[BUG] - Loaders would not be properly aligned
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ENH] - When unsubscribed and re-subscribe via the web interface, the subscriber will now get the welcome email if enabled
[ADD] - Added a new AR event, AUTORESPONDER_EVENT_AFTER_PROFILE_UPDATE, triggered only when subscribers update their profile
[CHG] - Change the way we set daily sending intervals, now you set the start date and an interval, in hours
[CHG] - We are using last_updated now for the unsubscribes and blacklisted statuses in the ListSubscribers7DaysActivityWidget query.
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ENH] - Campaigns removal will be blocked if the campaign is a dependency for an autoresponder
[ENH] - Add ability to use v4 for Google Analytics
[ENH] - Remove limit for campaign custom and extra tags
[ENH] - In campaign setup step, for related campaigns, bring the options together with the campaign so we don't do multiple queries anymore
[ENG] - Add database index for the category/message combo for translation_source_message table
[CHG] - List custom fields sync will be enabled by default. If performance is affected, disable from Backend > Settings > Cron > List Subscribers
[ADD] - List custom fields sync will automatically run after each import and/or each time when the list custom fields are updated
[ADD] - Added a new action hook: list_import_finished
[ENH] - On campaigns list pages, the status and stats(opens/clicks/bounces/etc) columns will be loaded via ajax per campaign basis
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ENH] - When processing bounce/fbl/ebm messages, beside looking in the campaign delivery log, look in its archive as well
[ADD] - Add CampaignDeliveryLogHelper to query in both, the campaign delivery log table and its archive
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[BUG] - Warmup Plans would cause the delivery servers to sometimes get stuck when switching between plans
[ADD] - Added ability to send campaigns only between certain hours
[ENH] - Skip tracking URLs by adding the disable-tracking query param to the URL you want to skip, i.e: ( or
[ENH] - Using the '' app param, you can now customize the tracking url for clicks
[ENH] - Using the '' app param, you can now customize the tracking url for opens
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[BUG] - RSS/JSON feeds would create duplicate rows when using index based tags
[ADD] - Added campaign_custom_unsubscribe_url_enabled filter hook
[ADD] - Added campaign_custom_unsubscribe_url_template filter hook
[ADD] - Added the X-Frame-Options header with the SAMEORIGIN value
[BUG] - Fix a bug where the drag and drop builder would encode quotes for background image style attribute
[BUG] - Fix a bug where blank charts when sharing campaign reports
[ENH] - PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 better compatibility
[RMV] - Removed setting the auto_detect_line_endings directive
[ADD] - Added campaign_test_email_delivery_server_use_for filter hook
[ADD] - Added template_test_email_delivery_server_use_for filter hook
[UPD] - Updated Dompdf library to 2.x
[CHG] - Use the official PHP SDK for pepipost
[ADD] - Option to select all the links to populate a custom field on "Change subscriber custom field on link click"
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
Now at version 2.1.19.
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ADD] - Added a note in the welcome step of the installer as to what to do if the installer does not pass the welcome screen
[ENH] - Encode the subject and body in the list-unsubscribe header value
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[BUG] - Fix a bug in tracking URLs that would prevent transforming successive links on the same line
[CHG] - Transform HTML into plain text ONLY if the given input is HTML, otherwise leave it as is
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
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