Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app

Nulled Glover – Grocery, Food, Pharmacy Courier & Service Provider + Backend + Driver & Vendor app 1.7.44 Nulled

No permission to download
Author hargrave
Creation date
Fix reported bugs
- Order refund
- arabic translation search issue
- vendor product/service description html editor
- reload app on lanaguage selected
- order fee crash issue
- issue from vendor sharing
- forgot password issue
- add link click and image on htmlview
- order prescription
- fetch parcel vendors
- parcel coupon issue
1. Fix reported bugs

- Stock qty is not enforced in case of multiple product selection

- eCommerce products list in order details

- only Cash Payment order can allow edit order products

- new auto-assignment flow working for taxi not working for regular

2. Switch between taxi and regular driver

3. Taxi handle outstanding balance if trip amount is more than initial charge trip amount [Online payments only]

[ Set the rem amount to negative user wallet, then prevent new ordering in future until negative is cleared ]

4. few support model translation

5. Support Flutter 3.7.3
1. Fix reported bugs
- Stock qty is not enforced in case of multiple product selection
- eCommerce products list in order details
- only Cash Payment order can allow edit order products
- new auto-assignment flow working for taxi not working for regular
2. Switch between taxi and regular driver
3. Taxi handle outstanding balance if trip amount is more than initial charge trip amount [Online payments only]
[ Set the rem amount to negative user wallet, then prevent new ordering in future until negative is cleared ]
4. few support model translation
5. Support Flutter 3.7.3
1. Fix reported bugs

- backend user edit

- search page with missing tabs

- order payment excluding the delivery fee if delivery fee in cash is enabled

- taxi schedule date/time issue after selection

2. New Customer Home Screen UI

3. Finance setting: driver wallet required for order total/delivery fee commission only
1. Fix reported bugs
- driver distance to pickup
- fix coupon taxi vendor type issue
- chat dark mode issue
- vendor type description now nullable/empty
2. Customer Home Screen tiny UI update
3. enable/disable taxi trip fare recalculation
4. Faqs
5. featured vendors on home screen
6. differrent customer Home screen UI style
Fix reported bugs
- Vendor app Numeric formatting check
- fix coupon vendor type issue
- services report issue
- app notification issue
Loyalty point
- Fix service require subcategory
- Update vendor app to allow create service just like the backend
- fix driver/vendor signup flickering screen
- improve driver location updating
- Flash sales
- fix driver and vendor app re-showing language selector [From Patch]
- iOS Driver notification
- Admin commission
- vendor app product update
- order fees order details in vendor app
- update wallet balance and record as wallet transaction after driver earning remove from wallet
- driver need to go offline and back online before getting new order
2. Manager manage multiple vendors [With have to switch between, can only deal with one vendor at a time] [Backend only]
3. Button to toggle "out of stock" by each product
4. Webhook for payment gateways
5. coupon strict to vendor type or all
6. Flutter 3.3.6 Support
New Owners - For first time buyers
Update Owners - For people who wants to migrated to the current version
Patch Owners - this is meant for people who needs to patch certain fixed issue on the current version