FleetCart - Laravel Ecommerce System

Nulled FleetCart - Laravel Ecommerce System 4.2.2 Nulled

No permission to download
Author anne
Creation date
- Subscribe to the newsletter is showing an error
- Variant image is not showing in the product card
- Store address formatting
- Show the logo in admin and store auth pages
- Missing color skin support in store auth pages
- The signup link is not showing in store login page
- Responsive
- New designs for theme store login, register, and forgot password pages
- Cookie bar decline button
- Full-screen mode in the admin panel
- Allow line break in storefront address input

- Setting translations
- Admin reports
- Variant add to compare
- Order details state name html entity code
- Newsletter
- Admin and theme responsive

- Storefront theme to bootstrap 5

- Bulk product upload

- Admin and theme design
- Fix an admin crud issue
- Fix corrupted main file
- Fix category menu height
- Make megamenu scrollable for large menu items
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Reactions: vikasbharda
Mercadopago payment gateway
Ability to set product limits for homepage sections
Display order id on the order details page
Display bank details on the invoice and order page

Paystack hosted page to inline modal

Paytm "Paytm: Request parameters are not valid"
The coupon amount doesn't reduce if the coupon has free shipping enabled
Product restock issue with stripe field validation
Product restock issue with Flutterwave payment cancellation
Validation errors on the checkout page
Search input console error
Select state name html entity code
Hardcoded "FleetCart" names
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Reactions: vikasbharda