CC-CurrencysAdd For Ultimate POS

CC-CurrencysAdd For Ultimate POS 1.7

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Author Zechariah
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you can quickly and easily add currencies, customizing details
Short Description
FREE Download Premium and Nulled CC-CurrencysAdd For Ultimate POS 1.7 version from NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 34.8 KB File size. From CC-CurrencysAdd For Ultimate POS have 1 Description Attachments, 2 discussion, 2 Updates, 46 Views.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest development: the Currency Configuration Module! With this tool, you can quickly and easily add currencies, customizing details such as country, code, symbol, and thousand and decimal separators.

For now, this module edits the currencies for the entire system, so it is recommended that only the super admin use it. However, we are working on future updates to allow each company to manage its own currencies independently.

We are confident that this new module will be very useful and we look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions to continue improving our platform.

I was inspired to start programming because I found it ridiculous to pay more than $80 for a module that only edited a table or modified reports. I will be creating more modules, and I will share some of them for free with you.

If you have any ideas, you can leave them, and I will get to work making them a reality.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy using our Currency Configuration Module!
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34.8 KB
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1.7 - changelog
-Reference errors fixed
1.6 - changelog
style issue was fixed

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