RNS Sanz Font

RNS Sanz Font 2021-07-25

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anne Sergeant Major of the Army
Staff member
badge id 33 2000 Resources badge id 29 50 Resources badge id 65 8,000 Reaction Score badge id 64 5,000 Reaction Score
Jul 6, 2020
anne submitted a new resource:

RNS Sanz Font - A neutral workhorse for any purpose, rational, clear, clean and functional

View attachment 5615
A neutral workhorse for any purpose, rational, clear, clean and functional: 7 weights, ramping from light to black, with small caps, files prepared for webfont use. Ideal use on signage systems and rational architecture.
RNS Sanz weights included:

  1. Light + Small caps Light
  2. Normal + Small caps Normal
  3. Medium + Small caps Medium
  4. SemiBold + Small caps SemiBold
  5. Bold + Small caps Bold
  6. ExtraBold + Small caps ExtraBold
  7. Black +...

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