Convert Forms PRO

Convert Forms PRO 4.4.2

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hellobut updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Fix: Shortcode editor button doesn't work on Joomla 4.
Fix: Input's placeholder doesn't respect the selected input color.
Fix: Non-latin characters typed in the Form Title option may end up duplicated.
Fix: Component uninstallation could cause Convert Forms module throw an PHP fatal error.
Fix: AcyMailing App: Can't create user when Double Optin is enabled.
Fix: Convert Forms > Design > Image > Select Image would not allow selection of an image.
Show only menu items the user has access to in...

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hellobut updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


  • Adds --excludeEmpty, --hideLabels, --excludeFields, --excludeTypes filtering options to {all_fields} Smart Tag.
  • Fix: MailChimp Tags are ignored if member exists.
  • Fix: Heading field is not properly aligned when Labels are left-positioned.
  • Fix: File Upload field doesn't respect the global field's text color.
  • Fix: Saving Submissions > Columns would re-trigger submissions export.
  • Fix: Smart Tags used in Behavior > Email Notifications containing the --layout option would...

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hellobut updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Thursday, 20 January 2022
Implements the Signature field.Adds (limited) support for field-based Smart Tags in the File Upload folder.Fix: Field Calculations may fail to evalute a formula due to incorrect letter case in shortcode.Fix: {all_fields} --excludeEmpty option fails to exclude values with extra spaces.Fix: Changing a Fields' Label does not update field labels under "All Fields" consistently.Fix: AcyMaiiling 7.7.4 would throw an error when subscribing users to a list.Updated...

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hellobut updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Monday, 14 February 2022​

Added State option to Export Submissions dialog. (At the moment available for Joomla 3 only).Improve UX by including the form's ID in all Form selection dropdowns.Fix: Error "No Submissions Found" when exporting unpublished or trashed submissions.Fix: PHP 8.1 - version_compare(): Argument #3 ($operator) must be a valid comparison operatorFix: UI issue with the Field Settings panel in non-english languages.Fix: [Joomla 4] PHP error that would...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Monday, 14 March 2022

Adds support for User Custom Fields in Smart Tags. Syntax {user.field.FIELDNAME}.Fix Joomla 4: A field name bigger than 50 chars would cause a UI issue in the fields list in the backend.Fix: Wrong $error argument passed to the onConvertFormsSubmissionValidate() plugin event.Fix: PHP 8.1 - Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated.Fix: Duplicate fields visible in "Add Field" tab.The...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Adds Filter Search option to Export modal.Fix: The Editor field's value is displayed as plain text instead of HTML in Emails and Submission list.Fix: List-based fields would not show the value as checked if it contained HTML tags.Fix: Honeypot field is not hidden when the main stylesheet is disabled.Fix: Styling issues with the front-end submission display in Joomla 4.Fix: The Dropdown field does not respect the Placeholder option on the submission edit page.Fix: Field Calculations may break...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Release Notes​

Fix: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string PHP error in JSON API.
Fix: Form may be submitted multiple times under some circumstances.
Fix: File type (mime) detection might not work for some file types in the File Upload field.
Fix: Signature field would not work properly under certain circumstances.
Updates Dropzone (file upload script) to 5.9.3.

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:



Monday, 25 July 2022
Added useful notices for rating/missing download key as well as when the subscription expires/expired.Adds Help Text Position - You can now position the field's help text before or after the input.Adds support for Google Analytics 4. Google Analytics Universal Code will be shutting down July 1, 2023.Improved geolocation, update and outdated extension...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:



Implements the Match Captcha field.Fix: {all_fields} Smart Tag does not retain new line breaks in plain text emails.Fix: [Joomla 4] Field-based Smart Tags are not replaced in the File Upload Destination.Fix: "Deprecated: Required parameter $value follows optional parameter $key." PHP warning.Fix: Using Geolocation Smart Tags in the free version causing error in the form...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


Adds back the component's submenu items in the backend.
Added Complexity option to Math Captcha (Low, Medium, High).
Fix: Date Time field does not appear correctly on iOS.
Fix: Input mask script would not work correctly on mobile devices under certain circumstances.
Fix: .7z files fail to uploaded in File Upload field.
Fix: [Joomla 4] Can't change selected form after exporting submissions.
Fix: Can't remove placeholder value in Math Captcha.
Fix: The Email Cloaking plugin makes email...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:


You can now retrieve an Article's Custom Field using the {article.field.[ALIAS]} Smart Tag.
Fix: The Form editor may break due to CORS policy.
Fix: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes may get shrinked on small screens.
Fix: Content plugin shortcodes may be left unparsed during form rendering.
Fix: Date Time field may not work due to special characters in the name of the field.
Updates translations (el-GR, cs-CZ)
Updates flatpickr script to 4.6.13 and loads it locally.
The script (Dropzone) required...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Convert Forms PRO with a new update entry:



Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Implements the Tasks section.Implements the User Account Task App.Implements the Webhooks Task App.Adds "Show all options" and "Hide all options" actions in Conditional Fields.Adds PDF Submissions "Paper Size" & "Orientation" options.Implements the "Total Checked Not Equals" comparison operator in Conditional Fields.Adds the ability to redirect to a...

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