Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects

Nulled Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects 2.6.0 Nulled

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Author theresa
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[added] Register recaptcha settings in admin panel (page settings/register captcha settings).
[added] Recaptcha implements in register page.
[added] Header addon one button link change option.
[added] Header addon two button link chage option.
[added] For seo h1 tag implements for all public details page like project details, job details, blog details, subscription etc.
[added] Category meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Subcategory meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Category, Subcategory meta title, description render in all category pages like category projects, category jobs, subcategory
projects, subcategory jobs etc.
[added] Subscription enable-disable feature added.
[added] All jsvascript:void(0) replace with # for better seo.
[added] Blog add/edit tag validation added.
[added] Insert only number as a category name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Insert only number as a subcategory name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Freelancer can delete his custom offer before customer accept the offer.

[fixed] Media uploader delete file button not work admin panel fix.
[added] Added new home page.
[added] New header addon.
[added] New appstore addon for mobile app.
[added] Why choose us new addon.
[added] Latest project new addon.
[added] Explore projects category wise new addon.
[added] Explore jobs category wise new addon.
[added] Korean currency symbol change with new symbol customer requested.
[added] Download symbol down arrow icon add for all attachments.
[added] Enable disable decimal point settings added in payment info settings.
[fixed] Currency symbol position save issue fix.
[fixed] Validate send chat message from order details if project not found.
[fixed] Unseen message count issue fix.
[fixed] Paypal payment gateway issue fix.
[fixed] Project create and Job create admin notification issue fixed for translated language.

[added] Freelancer Promotional Plugin [Premium] support added
[added] Send chat email while user offline (For this you must setup from admin panel)
[added] Chat email settings ( Additional Settings)
[fixed] Paytabs payment Issue fix
[fixed] Profile image size fixed
[fixed] Translate issue few words fix
[fixed] Content word break issue inside (blog, project, testimonial)
[added] Rtl support added
[added] Invoice feature add (for complete order)
[added] Social login implement (You must configure before start social login in your system.)
[added] Translate dynamic value feature improvement
[added] Project auto approve enable/disable settings feature add.
[added] Profile update name charecter limit validation improvement
[added] Order reject feature added for orders those are queue but payment complete.
[added] Project/job/identity image size validation improvemrnt
[added] JOD currency add
[added] Id number support both charecter and number feature.
[added] Enable/disable display commission/ earnerd balance/pending amount in client panel
[added] Job and offer title charecter limitation improvemrnt.
[added] Social login option enable/disable option in login page settings.
[added] Multiple arrow show imporvement
[added] Forgot password feature for super admin
[added] Faq list in admin panel
[added] Push notification support for mobile app

[fixed] Order issue using paystack
[fixed] Order issue with wallet gateway solve