OS Membership Pro

OS Membership Pro 3.6.1

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1. Compatible with Joomla 5.1
There were some changes in Joomla 5.1.0 which breaks some of payment plugins. We had to update our payment processing library to make sure payment process working well with Joomla 5.1 (and earlier Joomla versions). This is the most important change in this release

2. Added Membership Pro - Delete User Account
This plugin, if enabled, will delete the user account associated to the subscription record when his last subscription records in the system deleted (mean he does not have any subscriptions in the system anymore). Of course the account won't be deleted if it belongs to certain Joomla user groups (like Super Users, Administrator, Editor....). These user groups can be configured in Exclude User Groups parameters in the plugin

3. Minor improvement to Subscription Exported
Added Subscription Type (New Subscription, Subscription Renewal, Subscription Update) to the export

4. Improve Password Validation
Added code to validate minimum length and minimum lower case characters, exactly the same as how it is validated via Joomla user registration
1. Allow select hide columns on list items screen

We integrated table columns script for all list views (like categories management, plans management, custom fields management, subscriptions management....). With this feature, you can choose to hide any fields from the screen to tidy up the view and make it more clean

2. Allow change ordering of renew and upgrade options

In earlier version of Membership Pro, renew and upgrade options will be displayed in the order it was added and could not be changed. In this version, you can re-order the renew and upgrade options whenever you want

3. Added User Files menu item type

- You can now create menu item to link to User Files menu item type to allow subscribers to see and download the files which administrator upload and assign to his account.

4. Improve Export

Export number columns (Amount, Discount Amount, Tax Amount, Gross amount) in number instead text format, to make it easier to manipulate the data using Excel.

5. Integrated with Helpdesk Pro

Added Helpdesk Pro Tickets History plugin to allow showing support tickets history of a user in his Membership Pro user profile.

6. Added New Payment Plugin

New payment plugin MP Payrexx added to work with Payrexx payment gateway payrexx.com/en

7. Bugs Fixes:

- Update Tax Rate For Estonia (it was 20%, now increased to 22%). Only matter if you are using EU Tax Rules
- Fix Group Member received duplicate email (both member email and admin email) when joining a group membership
- Fixed some small issues with import subscriptions from frontend.
- Fixed error when sorting group members by username
- Continue coding improvement, replace deprecated code by it's replacement to modernize codebase and make sure the extension continue working well with future releases of Joomla.
1. Improve User Profile Page
- Allow adding additional tabs in user profile. The title and content of the additional tags are controlled in menu item parameters. Content plugins are supported, so you can use any content plugins in content of these tags like how you use it in Joomla articles.
- Allow choosing active tab for profile page
- Do not show subscriptions of unpublished plans in Subscriptions History

2. Added Membership Pro - HTTP Plugin
This plugin allows sending subscription data to a configured external URL each time a subscription record is created and becomes active. It is useful in case you need to send subscription data to an external system.

3. Added Membership Pro - User Files Plugin
Allow you to upload files for individual subscribers when it is needed. The files need to be uploaded to [ROOT]/media/com_osmembership/userfiles/[USERNAME] or [ROOT]/media/com_osmembership/userfiles/[USERID] folder, then it will be displayed on user profile page so that the subscriber can download. You can upload different files for different subscribers in this case (files for each subscriber is stored in it's own folder)

4. Support Hidden Plans
Sometime, you might want to create subscription plans but do not want these plans to be displayed for everyone to subscribe. In this case, you can mark the plan as Hidden and it won't be displayed on Plans List. You can then, create menu item to link to these hidden plans and send these links to the users you want to allow them to subscribe.

5. Improve Custom Field Validation
Added a new server validation rule called unique to allow validating and making sure value for a custom field need to is unique. That mean two different subscriptions could not enter/use same value for that custom field.

6. Improve Member Card
- Allow using Custom Member Card size
- Allow group members to download member cards
1. Compatible with Joomla 5.0 Native

Joomla 5 is was released last month. We worked on Membership Pro and make sure it is compatible with Joomla 5.0 native (without requiring backward compatible plugin). So if you want to update your site to Joomla 5, Membership Pro is already compatible.

2. Improve Members List
- Add option to allow displaying members in random orders
- Change the default layout, add css class to allow styling each column in the list easier if needed

3. Improve Mass Mail
- Allow adding up to 4 attachments for mass mail

4. Improve Check-in Logs
- Allow export checkin logs to Excel/CSV file

5. Improve Subscriptions Management

- If you display a File custom fields on Subscriptions Management, users can download the file directly from subscriptions management screen instead of having to access to subscription details page

6. Layouts Improvements

- Use Joomla password field layout to render password field. That would make password field display nicer (on Joomla 4 and Joomla 5) and users can easily to see the value of the password (to check) if needed
- Added a way to allow supporting custom css framework (for developer) if needed.

7. Allow Translating Menu Item Types

The menu item types (which are displayed when you create menu items to Membership Pro) can now be translated if needed instead of hard coded to English language
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1. Improve Group Membership

In earlier version, the maximum number of group members can be added by group admin to a group membership is a fixed number determined by administrator when setting up the plan. In this version, the maximum number of group members can be a dynamic number, determined by group admin when he subscribes for the plan. Please refer to Group Membership documentation to see how to setup this if you are interested in this improvement. This was a limitation of group membership, finally, I am able to improve it.

2. New Payment Plugins + Update Payment Plugins
- Added MP PayPal Rest payment plugin which uses PayPal Rest API for processing payment (only support onetime payment). Compare to original PayPal standard payment plugin comes with the extension out of the box, this uses new PayPal API, and does not depend on PayPal IPN, so it is more reliable.
- Added MP Stripe Card payment plugin (only support one time payment). It allows customers to make payment using credit card directly on your site without having to be redirected to Stripe and it supports Strong Customer Authentication (same as MP Stripe Checkout, but does not redirect customers to Stripe)
- Update MP Mollie payment plugin: Fixed refund error behavior
- Updated MP PayPal Standard Checkout payment plugin: Added parameters to control button styles.

3. Improve Custom Fee Fields

- Allow Number field type to be a fee field if needed
- Allows using Formula in Fee Values (before, a only fixed value is allowed in Fee Values setting of a custom fee field)

4. Improve Frontend Subscriptions Management
- Add parameter to allow control number of records displayed per page
- Add menu item type to allow export subscriptions directly when clicking on the menu item

5. Improve EU VAT Integration
- Added a parameter to allow hide VAT Number Input for home country (subscribers from home country is being charged tax anyway, so no need for asking them to enter the data)

6. Updated MPDF plugin
- Updated MPDF library to latest version
- Improve code to allow passing custom config variables if needed
- Improve code to allow loading css from css file if needed.

7. Bugs Fixes
- Prevent SMS reminders from being sent to original plan when subscribers upgrade their membership
- Do not enable System - Membership Reminder plugin on update
- Do not generate and send member card via email if member card is disabled for certain plan.
- Fixed fatal error on some content plugins on PHP 8.1+
1. Added Subscription Control Plugin

This plugin allows expiring subscription from certain plans when subscription for a plan active and subscribe for certain plans when subscription for that plan expired

2. Improve Members List

Added parameter to allow choosing the plans you want to display members from. Now, you can display members from multiple selected plans you want.

3. Improve Dashboard

Provide more sales statistic information:

- Added Daily Sales Chart to allow seeing daily sales statistic in the last 30 days in a visual chart
- Added Average day (this month) ( the average income per day) and Projection for this month (the estimation in come) for current month statistic data.

4. Added Clean Emails Log Plugin

Enable this plugin will allow the system to delete emails from emails log automatically when these emails are older than certain number of days (90 days by default)

5. Improve Frontend Subscriptions Management

Allow filtering subscriptions base on selected date range.
1. PHP 8.2 Compatible
- Changes implemented to the extension to make sure it works well with PHP 8.2. So Membership Pro works well with PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2
- We also updated our Omnipay payment processing library to latest version (Omnipay 3). This libraries is used by some payment plugins. With this update, all payment plugins will compatible with PHP 8 out of the box. Note that if you use PHP 7.2+, these payment plugins will still work well.
- We also plan to raise PHP minimum requirement to PHP 7.4 in near future. So if you are using PHP older than 7.4, a warning will be displayed so that you know about it. You can turn of this warning if you want from Configuration of the extension.

2. Improve Custom Fields
Various improvements are made to custom fields in this release to make it even more powerful:

- Allow showing fee value associated with each custom fee field (in invoice, email messages) using syntax [FIELD_NAME_FEE_VALUE] . For example, if you have a custom fee field with name membership_option, you can use the tag [MEMBERSHIP_OPTION_FEE_VALUE] to show the fee value from that custom field.
- Add Synchronize Data setting to each custom field. If set to Yes, when data for that field is updated for a subscription record of certain users, it will be updated to all subscriptions records of that user.
- When admin update value of a custom field which has options associated with user groups, the user groups for the subscriber will be updated.
- Allow easier overriding output of a custom field if needed.

3. Improve EU VAT Number Validation
- Added a config option called EU VAT Number Validation Provider to allow choosing service which is used to validate EU VAT Number. If the default service (European Union Webservice) does not work, the backup service from vatcomply.com API will be used automatically. That will make sure VAT Number is always validated properly.

4. Frontend Subscriptions Management Improvement
Allow disable sending reminders from frontend subscriptions management
- Add option to allow hiding Export PDF button

5. Improve Member Card
You can now translate member card to all languages if your site is a multilingual website.

6. Allow using WEBP images For Plan
You can now using WEBP images format for your plans if needed. That helps reducing the size of images loaded on the page, so it will load faster

7. Custom Fields Behavior change

From this version, if you do not select a plan (on members list or subscriptions management page), all custom fields which are configured to be shown on the page will be displayed. Before this version, if you do not select a plan, only fields assigned to all plans will be displayed.

8. Various Language Items Update
Some language items were using with wrong meaning and being updated with this update (English language only)

- Net Amount => Amount
- Gross Amount => Total Amount
- Grace Period in plan settings => Overlap Period

9. Various Bugs Fixes
1. Export Templates
This new feature allows you to have different export subscriptions templates. For each export template, you can control:
- The fields you want to be exported with that template
- The ordering of these fields.

After adding export templates, you can choose to use the export template you want while exporting subscriptions. The subscriptions data will then be exported using the format/rule defined in the selected export template.

2. Custom Fields Improvements
- Added option to allow controlling on what position in the subscription form custom fields will be shown: Above Payment Information (Default), Below Payment Information, Below Payment Method.
- Allow a custom field to depend on payment method. When a payment method is selected, the custom field will only be shown for that payment method only. This is useful, usually, when you use offline payment or custom developed payment plugins and want to allow customers to provide more payment data using custom fields.

3. Improve Subscriptions Management
- Added Batch button on subscriptions management screen to allow extends the selected subscriptions for certain amount of times you want (for example, 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours...)
- Added Export PDF button to allows exporting subscriptions to PDF from frontend subscriptions management screen.
- Added a parameter to choose default subscription status on frontend subscriptions management screen.

4. Added Latest Subscription Module
- A new admin module called Membership Pro - Latest Subscription is added in this release to allows displaying latest number of subscriptions in a module position in administrator area of your site. You can use this, for example, to display latest subscriptions in Cpanel/ Dashboard of your site to see these latest subscriptions without having to access to Membership Pro.

5. Other Improvements
- Add Resize Avatar Method config option (Resize or CropRezie)
- Respect Use Email As Username config option on user profile page.
- Update TCPDF library to latest version.
- Improve Members List Column Layout: Add space space between members.
- Remembers Active tab state on pages which tabs is used (Joomla 4)
- Optimize Code of SP Page Builder Restriction Plugin.
- Update MP Stripe Checkout payment plugin to work with latest Stripe API. Please note that you should only update to this latest version of the payment plugin if your Stripe account is configured to use Stripe API version newer than 2020-08-27 (2022-08-01 or newer)
- Added more offline payment plugins (you can now use up to 9 offline payment plugins)

6. Bugs Fixes
- Update PayPal payment plugin to fix an issue causes by change from PayPal system recently. The issue is that some subscription records are Pending while most of other records works as expected.
- Scroll to first error field on subscription form when there is validation errors for data entered for fields.
- Fix Login Redirect On Multilingual website.
- Fix Custom Fields Displayed On User Profile.
1. Compatible with Joomla 4.2.0 and 4.2.1

2. Allow defining your own emails & messages tags

3. Some small bugs fixes + code improvement