Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog, Magazine

Ncmaz - NextJs Headless WordPress Blog, Magazine 2.5.0

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Author Zechariah
Creation date
In this update, you just need to update:
The NextJs Ncmaz-faust project for your front end. (v2.5.0)
The Ncmaz-faust-core plugin on your WordPress. (v2.5.0)
How to update - 👉Update theme?

______ update for "front-end/ncmaz-faust"
Update: Version 2.5.0
Update: Updated/Rewritten the user registration feature on the sign-up page
New: Added account deletion feature in editor-profile dashboard page(The Ncmaz-faust-core plugin needs to be updated to version 2.5.0)
_____ update for "wp-plugin/ncmaz-faust-core"
Update: Version 2.5.0
New: Added WPgraphql mutations to support the account deletion feature.
______ update for "front-end/ncmaz-faust"
Update: Ncmaz-faust to v2.3.1
Fixed: Fix bug for Ncmaz Magazine 7 block. Pages containing Magazine 7 block cannot be built if the number of posts is less than 2.
update for "front-end/ncmaz-faust"
Update: Ncmaz-faust to v2.2.1
Update: Updated translations for dashboard pages (en.ts)
New: Allows hiding/customizing the "Documents" tab on the dashboard page (site-settings.json -> document_page)
Fixed: Fixed an issue where the page was not reloaded after logging in in modal-login
Fixed: Fixed an issue where the "Show me more" button in Gutenberg blocks was not hidden when all data was loaded.
New: Add custom "recommended_searches" on the search page (site-settings.json -> search_page)
Update: Updated to display "view_counts" as default on the single page.
In this update, you just need to update the NextJs Ncmaz-faust project for your frontend.
______ update for "front-end/ncmaz-faust"
Update: Ncmaz-faust to v2.1.0
Update: Update some words to the translation file
Update: Update the style for the image upload feature.
Update: Update/Move some client useQuery queries to router api 👉 Avoid CORS errors and increase performance.
In this update, you just need to update:
The Ncmaz-faust-core plugin on your WordPress.
The NextJs Ncmaz-faust project for your front end.