Local Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce

Local Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce 1.9.0 Nulled

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Author anne51
Creation date
* Fix: bug on order refund.
* Fix: Twilio API.
* Fix: Improve the route queries.
* Tweak: Latest freemium SDK.
* Tweak: Test Your Google Keys on settings.
Download Local Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce (Premium) v1.8.6 Nulled Free
= v1.8.6 =

* Tweak: Premium - Added current week and last week dates to admin reports and driver panel.
* Tweak: Premium - Added payment methods to reports.
* Tweak: Premium - New driver commissions calculation: time, distance + time.
* Tweak: Show custom order numbers on the driver panel.
* Add: Loading indicator.
* Add: Protected custom fields that start with Underscore can be written with brackets.
* Fix: translation.