
Gallerique 1.3.34

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Author newimage
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FREE Download Premium and Nulled Gallerique 1.3.34 version from NullPro Community. From Gallerique have 379 Views.
Create product galleries or a separate gallery to enhance the look of your product and company.

Create several galleries for various purposes in your PrestaShop! The Gallerique module for PrestaShop allows you to add a convenient gallery of lightboxes to your store, which allows you to display different products in style.
You can create an unlimited number of albums and upload images to them. In the general settings panel, you can set the thumbnail sizes and lightbox size. In addition, you can define a method for resizing, separately for thumbnails and for images. This is a useful feature if you use mixed portrait and landscape images and want the gallery thumbnails to be the same size.
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