Element Pack - Premiums Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugins

Element Pack - Premiums Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugins 7.12.8 Nulled

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- Templates Library issue fixed
### Added

- ACF Tabs widget added
- ACF List widget added

### Fixed

- JS eror fixed on Horizontal Scroller widget (Thanks to Emir Corovic)
- CSS issue fixed on Circle Info widget (Thanks to Jones)
- SVG image widget issue fixed (Thanks to Maximilien LELEU)
- Icon align and space in hamburger issue fixed on Mega Menu widget (Thanks to John)

### Updated

- Admin dashboard design improved
- Security issue fixed
- Ajax query terms issue fixed in Search Widget
- Image overflow issue fixed in Scroll Image widget (Thanks to Angelique Norman)
- Load more duplicate items issue fixed in post grid widget
- Translate issue fixed
- Uikit CSS 404 error fixed

- UIKit framework updated

- ACF slider widget added

### Fixed

- Video cover issue fixed in device slider widget
- jQuery dependency fixed in Slinky Vertical Menu widget (Thanks to William Dias Morais)
- Image height issue fixed in slideshow widget
- Category accents issue fixed in Portfolio type all widget (Thanks to Mullo Alfredo)
- Simple Contact form issue fixed
- Lightbox autoplay issue fixed

- ACF Gallery widget added
- ACF Accordion widget added
- Wincher tool for track your keyword positions & monitor your SEO feature added
- Title hover color added in timeline widget
- Auto height option added in testimonial slider widget

### Fixed

- Title color issue fixed in timeline widget (Thanks to Nick Weirens)
- Error fixed in Table widget (Thanks to Michael Esguerra)
- Translations issue fixed in WC mini cart widget (Thanks to Ivan Polák)
- Text cropped issue fixed in comparison list widget
- Code Radius fixed in QR Code widget (Thanks to Marco Barbera)
- Unclose tag issue fixed in Post Grid widget (Thanks to Peter Ganster)
- Device slider widget cropping issue fixed
- Lightbox issue fixed in custom carousel widget
- reCAPTCHA feature added in Webhook form widget
- Image position responsive option added in review card widget
- Content border radius added in carousel skin ramble widget
- Content overlay spacing added in carousel skin ramble widget
- Content Padding option added in custom gallery widget

- Link Error fixed in device slider widget (Thanks to Joshua)
- Marker content initial image loading issue fixed in advanced google map widget (Thanks to Michał Marcjanik)
- Link to widget option fixed in switcher widget (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)
- Uikit print css issue fixed
- Submit button Justified issue fixed in webhook form widget
- Responsive mode badge style controls not working issue fixed in mega menu widget
- Duplicator Critical issue fixed
Input fields style issue fixed in gravity forms widget (Thanks to Matt)
Swiper carousel hidden item opacity issue fixed
Title, Button Link Error fixed in Hover Box widget (Thanks to Hakan Yılmaz)
Hover issue fixed in Advanced Icon Box widget (Thanks to Gregor Kramberger)

Deprecated EDD Grid widget deleted
Deprecated bbPress widget deleted
- Purchased Date, First Purchased Date module added in Visibility Controls extension

- Elementor container default width issue fixed in Mega menu widget
### Added

- Ripple effects extension added
- Smooth scroller feature added
- Shortcode, Tags in Cart, Orders Placed module added in visibility control extensions
- Ribbon border added in price table widget
- Active item feature added in sub menu widget
- Unlock badge options in mega menu widget
- Custom attributes compatibility added in fancy card, fancy slider, fancy tabs, featured box, flip box, honeycombs, hover box, icon mobile menu, icon nav, image accordion, image expand, image stack, interactive card, interactive tabs, logo caroseul, logo grid, lottie icon box, lottie image, marker, panel slider, price table, product carousel, product grid, profile card, slideshow, slinky vertical menu, static carousel, static grid tab, svg image, trailer box, vertical menu widgets
- Icon option added in reading timer widget

### Fixed

- Live copy paste issue fixed
- Alignment issue fixed in social share widget
- Vertical offset issue fixed in mega menu widget
- Hamburger menu alignment compatibility issue fixed
- Ajax Load more not working in current query issue fixed in WC Products widget
- Active Menu issue fixed in Sub Menu widget
- Remove Dots from Menu in Offcanvas widget
- Active item issue fixed in interactive tabs widget

### Updated

- UIKit framework updated

### Noted

- “Live Copy” and “Live Paste” functionality is deprecated, ""Use Elementor's built-in feature instead of the deprecated 'Live Copy' and 'Live Paste' functionality."