How do i get Credit and what are the differences between member groups?

I hope everything goes well and I can keep up to date with the news, I'm a fan of Magento 2 and a developer, I need modules
hey admin i have submited a resource today but i cant download any other people resource this is kinda unfair thou the rules say ifi submit a resource i can download for free..?
help kindly
hey admin i have submited a resource today but i cant download any other people resource this is kinda unfair thou the rules say ifi submit a resource i can download for free..?
help kindly
1.can you submit sql about your resources?
2. can you submit purchase proof ?
3.Please consider Nullpro as a platform. If you post good resource, other'people will naturally like and download it, and you will receive credits every time.
4. can you read please read this Before Publishing Resources ?
5. please don't copy and paste other's content
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thanks for this info,hope to be bronze soon
hello how i can get credits free please and what is best for me donate to get every day credits or i go to buy this
So I've joined, bought credits and immediately they were spent before I could download the item i wanted? im confused, is it a bad link or do i have something else to do? I think i am out of my depth I cant understand this system, please just sell me the plugin I need!!!