OS Payment Form

OS Payment Form 6.10.0

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Author hargrave
Creation date
1. Compatible with Joomla 5.0
Joomla 5 is planned to be released in the next few days. We did final testing and make sure Payment Form compatible with Joomla 5.0 native (without requiring backward compatible plugin)

2. Improve Fee Calculation
You can now use [PF_TOTAL_AMOUNT] tag in fee formula. That tag will be calculated base on base on form amount and fee from all other fee fields (which we do not use b]PF_TOTAL_AMOUNT[/b in formula). This is useful when you want to have fee for a certain field calculated base on total other fees (usually by percent)

3. Fixed Validation Errors For Radio and Checkboxes Fields
Due to a small typo in the code, validation for Radio and Checkboxes fields were not working before and It is now fixed in this latest release

4. Allow Translating Menu Item Types
The menu item types (which are being displayed when you create menu item link to the extension) is hard coded to English language before. Now, if you want to translate it to make it easier for your customers, it is possible by translating language items in system language files.
full changelog for this version in here
full changelog link :